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As has been seen, most of these settled in the manufacturing and mining sections of the northern and eastern states, helped to crowd the cities, and overflowed into the fertile, free lands of the mid-West. Nearly 800,000 of them reached the United States in one year, 1882.

They stopped over night in Chicago, and Mrs. Valentin bought some shirt-waists; for the heat had "doubled up on them," as a Kansas farmer on the train remarked. Elsie trailed about the shops with her mother, not greatly interested in shirt-waists or bargains in French underclothing. The war pressure seemed to close in upon them as they left the mid-West and drew toward the coast once more.

"By accepting the offer of the Mid-West Evening Syndicate, beginning at forty thousand a year?" "You're well posted," said Banneker, startled. "Of necessity. What would you suppose?" "Your information is fairly accurate." "I'm prepared to make you a guarantee of forty thousand, as a minimum." "I shall make nearer sixty than fifty this year." "At the expense of a possible loss to the paper.

Some horrible accident might happen to delay us here thirty minutes. Cheer up, ma; it's always darkest just before leaving Chicago, you know." Thus flippantly do some of the younger sons of men blaspheme this metropolis of the mid-West a city the creation of which is, by many persons of discrimination, held to be the chief romance and abiding miracle of the nineteenth century.

Among those who attended were Walter Kappe, Fritz Gissibl and Zahn three active Hitler agents assigned to the Mid-West area; William Dudley Pelley, leader of the Silver Shirts; Harry A. Jung, the ultra-"patriot"; George W. Christians of Chattanooga, Tenn., head of the American fascists; and several others.

The story received such wide publicity that she had to issue a public statement giving her birth and marriage records. Goerner is one of the important Nazi agents in the Mid-West.

The agent was an honest creature, but of tame habits, sent for the sake of his imperfect lungs to this otherwise inappropriate air. He had lived chiefly in mid-West towns, a serious reader of our comic weeklies; hence the apparition of Wiggin and the Virginian had reminded him sickeningly of bandits.

We could not get enough men across to charge the emplacements.... We were mid-west of the west wing, it was said; and word came the third day that we were holding up the whole line; that the east was ready to drive through, in fact, was bending forward; that the west was marking time on our account and here we were keeping the whole Russian invasion from spending the holidays in Budapest.

He felt repressions, claims, interferences potentially closing in upon his pen, also an undefined dread of the sharply revealed overseer. That a force other than his own mind and convictions should exert pressure, even if unsuccessful, upon his writings, was intolerable. Better anything than that. The Mid-West Syndicate, he knew, would leave him absolutely untrammeled.

Once in her seat, she withdrew hastily from her valise a small red memorandum book, giltly inscribed "Mid-West Insurance Company," plying a quick and small chirography on to its first page: Pittman Building, Longacre Square. Hudson Hotel. The day, which for Lilly began with the tickle of aerial champagne, petered out humiliatingly.