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"There's the party," said the latter, pointing through the open door to Miss Metoaca and Nancy, who were sitting together. The officer stepped into the car and addressed them. "Miss Newton?" he asked, touching his cap, "and Miss Nancy Newton, from Washington?" "Yes, sir," said Miss Metoaca. "What then?" "I have orders to detain you both in Harper's Ferry.

Senator Warren, will you take Aunt Metoaca home, and explain to her about this ridiculous arrest." "I will, and will join you afterward at the War Department. There is undoubtedly some explanation, and, as your friend, I will investigate the matter at once." Nancy impulsively extended her hand; she could not voice her thanks.

Nancy was gently wiping the powder-stained and bleeding face with some water which Symonds had brought her. "I think he is only stunned. Apparently the bullet did not penetrate; these are only flesh wounds," touching Goddard's face tenderly. "The powder has burned off his eyebrows, too. Miss Metoaca, have you any clothes which I can use for bandages?"

On their arrival at the depot he found they had but three minutes in which to catch the train, so he unceremoniously bundled Miss Metoaca and Nancy through the gates and to the train; while the hackman brought up the rear with two carpet bags and a lunch hamper.

Goddard was also taking stock of Miss Metoaca. He decided in his own mind he had never seen a more angular frame, nor so large a nose as her physiognomy presented. "I hope you have given your consent to Miss Newton's trip?" he asked eagerly. "Yes and no." Miss Metoaca's voice surprised him by its thin treble. It did not seem possible that so little sound could come out of so big a cavity.

Good night, Miss Metoaca; I must be running along." "And we have to go, too," declared Mrs. Arnold. "Don't be discouraged, dear Miss Metoaca." And she gave the spinster an encouraging pat on her shoulder. "Don't allow your mind to dwell too much on your worries," advised Mrs. Bennett soothingly, as she followed the senator down the steps.

"Well, Providence might have been worse employed," said Miss Metoaca abruptly, and her face cleared. "Doesn't the autopsy settle that preposterous charge against Nancy?" "I have not finished telling you all that I heard from the surgeons," went on Warren patiently.

Old Jonas, who had seen him coming along C Street, stood waiting on the threshold, and without a word took his hat and cane. "Dis way, Marse Senator." He helped him off with his overcoat. "We's been 'spectin' yo' all day, suh." Miss Metoaca, hollow-eyed and weary, dropped the shawl she was pretending to knit, and rose quickly when she caught sight of Warren.

Then, perhaps, Miss Watt, you will be good enough to inform that apology for a gentleman, Captain Lloyd, that I would like to see him." Lloyd came at once in answer to the detective's call. His face fell when she declared nothing had been found of a suspicious nature, and no trace of the missing despatch. "Do you mean to say Miss Metoaca Newton was not padded?" he asked incredulously.

Miss Metoaca nodded a smiling farewell, but when the door was safely shut the smile faded, and instead her face looked pinched and drawn. Deep in thought she hastened to the morning room, which was back of the dining room, and sat down at her desk to scribble a line to her cousin, Mrs. Hillen. To a casual eye the desk was as she had left it two hours before.