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Chevalier Mancini, who wore in his button-hole the decoration of the Legion d'Honneur, looked up he was a thin man with keen eyes and a shrewd face which, though at a first glance appeared stern, could at the least provocation break up into a thousand little wrinkles of laughter. "There is undoubtedly something entrainant about the idea," he observed, in his methodical way.

Whenever, in any of the tunnels, blank rock is struck, whichever one of us is in charge will stay by the blank rock blasting, keeping careful record, until pay ore is struck again." "You two young engineers are too infernally methodical," grumbled Dr. Tisco under his breath." "That is a very excellent plan," smiled Montez, amiably.

"Different people have different ways of telling a story," he said. "Mine is the methodical way I begin at the beginning. We will start, if you please, in the railway we will proceed in a one-horse chaise and we will stop at a village, situated in a hole. It was the nearest place to Sir Jervis's house, and it was therefore my destination.

"Madeline Spenser." When George Peritt, alias Bottles, had finished reading and re-reading this letter, he folded it up neatly and put it, after his methodical fashion, into his pocket. Then he sat and stared at the red camellia blooms before him, that somehow looked as indistinct and misty as though they were fifty yards off instead of so many inches. "It is a great blow," he said to himself.

'Accustomed, said Miss Twinkleton with a gracious air, which to the jealous ears of the Billickin seemed to add 'my good woman' 'accustomed to a liberal and nutritious, yet plain and salutary diet, we have found no reason to bemoan our absence from the ancient city, and the methodical household, in which the quiet routine of our lot has been hitherto cast.

Another man would have been roused to compassion by the fragments of thought, sometimes artless, sometimes passionate, that seemed to have dropped fresh from her heart upon the pages he was reading. He opened the vellum book at the beginning, for with all his impatience, the methodical habits of his life prevailed even then, and at first, there was little to excite more than a strong curiosity.

Tourville, though a brilliant seaman, thus not only typified an era of transition, with which he was contemporary, but foreshadowed the period of merely formal naval warfare, precise, methodical, and unenterprising, emasculated of military virility, although not of mere animal courage.

And you tell him any old thing and he goes and writes it down in his room upstairs, and afterwards asks you another like it in order to perplex himself by the variety of your answers. He regards the whole world with a methodical distrust. He wants to document it and pin it down. He suspects it only too justly of disorderly impulses, and a capacity for self-contradiction.

She was in search of some one thing she wanted, and she took the quickest way of finding it. And " "Yes, Gryce?" "She was in a desperate hurry, or she wouldn't have left the trunk open or all those dainty things lying about. Frenchwomen are methodical and very careful of their belongings. One other thing I noted. There was a loose nail in the lock of the trunk.

When the house door closed with a bang and a shake, it seemed to Miss Kimmeens to be a very heavy house door, shutting her up in a wilderness of a house. But, Miss Kimmeens being, as before stated, of a self-reliant and methodical character, presently began to parcel out the long summer-day before her.