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"Do the other mines pay as well as El Sombrero?" "Oh, no, Senor Tomaso," Montez replied quickly. "The other mines yield not anywhere near as rich ore as comes from El Sombrero." "Are you going to take us to see the other mines?" Tom hinted. "Gladly would I do so, Senor Tomaso, only I am not on good terms with the owners." "I'm sorry," Tom sighed.

And now again the terrible "Hiss-s-s!" taken up by the other box, and the words repeated loudly and more angrily even than before the historic words which sealed Lola's doom at Her Majesty's Theater: "WHY, IT'S BETTY JAMES!" She was, indeed, Betty James, and London would not accept her as Lola Montez.

There are still friends of mine alive who will help me to unmask this scoundrel and prove him Paulo Rabasco. He never would have been known, had I not, after many years, escaped from Yucatan. I did not dare proclaim myself at once, for fear of being arrested as Paulo Rabasco and sent back to Yucatan. But now I no longer fear. I am Don Luis Montez. I shall prove it without difficulty at last."

Yet something has aroused a suspicion in me that Don Luis Montez wishes to use us in some way that we wouldn't care to be used. So I'm saying little, but my eyes are going to be open all the time from now on." "Oh, Don Luis must be on the square," Hazelton retorted. "What could he want of us that is crooked?" "I don't know, yet," Tom replied, as he led the way rapidly down the road.

"It is only on general business principles that it seems to me unwise to have human lives taken when it is not necessary. He who resorts too often to the taking of life is sure to meet his own doom." "Not in Bonista," jeered Montez, "and not where Don Luis is concerned in business matters." "As you will, then," sighed the secretary. "You will please your own self, anyway, Don Luis."

"I am more than confident," Tom declared, promptly. "I am as certain of what I state as ever an engineer can be of anything." "If we were alone," thought Don Luis Montez, exultantly, "I would take off my hat to this young Gringo, Reade. He is a far more accomplished liar than I can ever hope to be. And these Americanos are becoming convinced all ready."

It can readily be understood that Grass Valley was at that time a place of importance, when Lola Montez considered it worth while to stay there several years and sing and dance for the miners. In parting, Ben Taylor told me pathetically that his wife had died a few years before and he had never recovered from the blow; "I am merely marking time until the end comes," he added.

Without a word the negress ushered us into this room, which was otherwise empty. "Tell him Mr. Montez is here," added Craig as we sat down. The negress disappeared upstairs, and in a few minutes returned with the message that he would be down directly. No sooner had the shuffle of her footsteps died away than Kennedy was on his feet, listening intently at the door. There was no sound.

Agatha said it was, and jumping down he threw her bag and some rough wooden boxes into the wagon. Then he climbed back up the wheel and held out his hand. "Montez. Allons, en route!"

Indeed, he might have been expected to eat one of them right then and there. Behind a shade in the office building Dr. Tisco stirred uneasily. "What did I say to you, Don Luis?" inquired the secretary. "Did I not suggest that these Gringos would not be easily controlled?" "Wait!" advised Don Luis Montez. "Wait! You have not yet seen what my Gato will do. He is not a baby."