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The planet Saturn is frequently referred to as an instance of the operation of this law, in which the evolution has been arrested after the separation of the rings, the latter having retained the ring form instead of breaking and collecting into globes, forming in this case rings of meteorites, and reminding us of the comparatively scattered rings of asteroids surrounding the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

The ceremony is known by the name of 'Mataimang' stone, and all the other things are said to assist it. Meteorites, when seen to pass along the sky, are regarded with awe; they are believed to be these stones in passage. The body was placed in the grave with the head to the west, the jaguar's head and pads being first placed under it.

These latter theories imply that the meteorites in immense quantities are revolving around the earth, and that occasionally they become entangled in her atmosphere and fall to the surface. "And now, Thorwald, I am tempted to repay all your great kindness to us with an act of ingratitude, nothing less than the relation of a story."

The 'zodiacal light, that silvery glow often seen in the west after sunset, or in the east before sunrise, may be a prolongation of it." "I daresay these meteorites are swarming about the sun like midges about a lamp," said I. "And just as eager to get burnt up," replied Gazen, with a smile. "Let us pass now to the planets.

Here the doctor thought he saw a chance to make a point, and spoke as follows: "If the meteorites come in quantities sufficient to have caused such changes, it seems to me their fall must be as great a menace to your peace as the evils they have cured. They do not strike the earth in large numbers, but still we have a record of a shower of meteoric stones which devastated a whole village.

At any rate, they are found in the company of these mysterious bodies, and appear to have similarly eccentric orbits." "Your studies are leading you in the right direction," said Thorwald. "The meteorites do indeed come from the regions of space, and if they have any story to tell it is a story of those distant parts of the universe about which any testimony is valuable.

These are far less numerous than the dust meteorites; it is probable, however, that several hundred fragments each year attain the earth's surface. They come from various directions of space, and there is as yet no means of determining whether they were formed in some manner within our planetary system or whether they wander to us from remoter realms.

The stars were merely conglomerated masses of heated vapor condensed by the work of ages into meteorites and from meteorites into worlds and these went on rolling in their appointed orbits, for what reason nobody knew, but then nobody cared!

He sat down at the piano and opened the lid. "There were a great many meteorites," said Mary to anyone who would listen. "The earth must just be coming into the summer shower of them. In July and August..." But Ivor had already begun to strike the keys. He played the garden, the stars, the scent of flowers, the rising moon. He even put in a nightingale that was not there.

If this idea can be entertained, meteors must be vastly more numerous than the world has supposed. Cosmical space, according to Mr. Lockyer, is filled with meteorites of various sizes, flying in many directions with enormous velocities and moving in certain orbits like larger bodies. Many observations have been made to determine the number of these meteorites. Dr.