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Then, when the Chasseurs finally withdrew, the Bavarian troops rushed up the town in a state of furious excitement, burning it systematically as they advanced, and treating the inhabitants as M. Mirman has described. Soon Soeur Julie knew that they were coming up the hill towards the hospital. I will quote the very language homely, Biblical, direct in which she described her feelings. "Mes reins flottaient comme ça ils allaient tomber

Bonner and Mes Larmes came to the door, where Grady, Altamont's servant, was standing, the domestic said, "Walk in, ladies," with the utmost affability, and led them into the room, which was arranged as if they had been expected there. Indeed, two bouquets of flowers, bought at Covent Garden that morning, and instances of the tender gallantry of Altamont, were awaiting his guests upon the table.

Her tears fell noiselessly on her darling's cheek; she then knelt down and prayed for strength. As she rose she felt Raoul's arm around her; they looked at each other in silence; then she bowed her head and wakened Enguerrand with her lips. "Pas de querelle, mes amis," he murmured, opening his sweet blue eyes drowsily. "Ah, it was a dream! Time to rise, is it? No peacemaking to-day.

Her eyes mused on the girl's face, tenderly brooded and understood. And Karen's voice and look had asked her not to understand. "Ah, that is right; that is a wife," she murmured. "Though, believe me, chérie, I did not know that I was so transgressing." And turning her glance on Gregory, "Je vous fais mes compliments," she added.

Dick had felt a little wilder in spirit that morning than usual, and on coming to a pretty open plain he gave the rein to Charlie, and with an "Adieu mes comerades," he was out of sight in a few minutes.

The ecstatic Sara makes no pretence to virtue, she introduces her son to an English duchess, and throws over a nation for the love of Richepein, she can, therefore, say as none other "Ce n'est plus qu'une ardeur dans mes veines cachée, C'est Venus tout entière

One more instance of La Fontaine's inimitable conciseness may be given. Une servante vint; adieu, mes gens! Raton N'était pas content, ce dit-on. How admirable are the brevity and the lightness of that 'adieu, mes gens'! In three words the instantaneous vanishing of the animals is indicated with masterly precision. One can almost see their tails whisking round the corner.

"There is a tent fit for a queen to sleep under, mes chères filles," he said, eyeing his arrangements for their night shelter with great satisfaction. He then proceeded to bait his line, and in a few minutes had a dish of splendid bass ready for the coals.

After half-an-hour's search, we found him pitched upon a flat rock in the middle of the stream like a bit of driftwood, We immediately waded out to the rock and brought him ashore, where we lighted a fire, took off all his clothes, and rubbed him till he began to show signs of life again. But you may judge, mes garcons, of my misery when I found that the coil of tobacco was gone.

When will our Protestantism, or Rationalism, or whatever it may be, sit as lightly upon ourselves? Another time I had the following dialogue with an old Piedmontese priest who lived in a castle which I asked permission to go over: "Vous etes Anglais, monsieur?" said he in French. "Oui, monsieur." "Vous etes Catholique?" "Monsieur, je suis de la religion de mes ancetres."