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Good gracious, gentlemen! enough of this foolish talk! Let them cut this Lambernier's throat and put an end to the subject! The theatre for dramatic music, the church for sacred! Le vin, le jeu; les belles, Voila mes seuls amours." A general protestation rose from the whole table at this verse, which was roared out in a lugubrious voice.

"Oh! go on! I adore it," cried the lady of 'Mes Larmes. "Heavenly night! heavenly, heavenly moon! but I must shut my window, and not talk to you on account of les moeurs. How droll they are, les moeurs! Adieu." And Pen began to sing the Goodnight to Don Basilio. The next day they were walking in the fields together, laughing and chattering the gayest pair of friends.

"We'll consider that afterwards, my lad. Meantime go you to the rear and get a weapon of some sort." "Oui. Ah! c'est charmant," he cried, going with an immense flounder into the midst of the amused trappers, and slapping those next to him on the back. "Give me veapon, do, mes amis gun, pistol, anyting cannon, if you have von." Meanwhile Cameron and Joe spoke together for a few moments.

In his hand he supported a long-barreled musket, which he now examined carefully in the presence of the captain of the voyageurs. "Robert Challon!" next commanded Du Mesne, and in turn the one addressed looked over his piece, the captain also scrutinizing the flint and priming with careful eye. "Naturally, mes enfants," said he, "your weapons are perfect, as ever.

One moment he lay still, puffing and blowing, bemoaning past youth, and bewailing loss of strength; the next, like an indiarubber ball, he had bounced to his feet, and was strutting forward, waving his short arms in the air, the white silk handkerchief streaming behind him like a flag. "Allons, mes enfants! No lolling allowed on the moors.

"'Je fis mes premiers vers sans savoir les ecrire." "I am not a very good French scholar, said I; perhaps you will be kind enough to translate that line for me. "'Certainly. With pleasure. I made my first verses without knowing how to write them. "How interesting! But I never heard of Louise Colet. Who was she? "My man was pleased to gi-ve me a piece of literary information.

"Dans l'attente de votre reponse je vous prie, Monsieur le Gouverneur, de vouloir bien agreer mes salutations distinguees et mes remerciments anticipees." There is a very interesting letter from the Dixie professor of Ecclesiastical History, Cambridge, who asks Graham to collect for him whelks, limpets, periwinkles, snails, cowries, etc. Here is an extract from it

M. de Luc, after having long believed that the strata of the Alps had been formed like those of the low countries, at the bottom of the sea, gives an account of the occasion by which he was first confirmed in the opposite opinion. Like a true philosopher, he gives us the reason of this change. "Ce fut une espèce de montagne très commune, et que j'avois souvent examinée qui dessilla mes yeux.

Rayner therefore determined to put a bold face upon the matter, advanced with his companions, and the next instant they found themselves surrounded by a body of French soldiers, whose looks, as they held up a couple of lanterns, were anything but satisfactory. "Whence do you come and where are you going, mes amis?" asked the sergeant of the guard, addressing Tom, who was nearest him.

"Messieurs," said the fair Countess, when all present, excepting she and I, had touched upon or indicated the subjects which they had prepared to present to the congress "messieurs mes confrères, I have been requested by our distinguished chairman, the Crown-Prince of Monaco, to submit to your judgment the subject which, by favor of the King of the Belgians, I have prepared to present to the International Scientific Congress."