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I saw him myself, wrapped up in a piper box and lookin' beautiful, God's truth, with the crown done up in tissue beside him. That was before the Panorama left us. 'Be a good boy, says I, 'and don't fall in love with any of them darkies as you'll find in' Mericky. So help me lucky, I'd a good mind ter come after you, says I, 'and marry their Ole Man jess ter set 'em a good example."

Ay, surely, when I've buried six sons and daughters, and last of all my woife, and dug all their graves mysel', save two, which were Jack in Mericky, which died of yellow fever, and only a packet of letters sent back to us belonging to him, and in them there were a bit o' his mother's grey hair which he had cut off that playful afore he went away; and then there were Rob, that were killed down a coal mine, and we could never get at his body, and he left a widder and three childer, and she were married to one o' his chums afore a twelvemonth past the unfeeling hussy; but I've washed my hands of the lot.

'P'raps they've come from 'Mericky, suggested a small urchin, capering round on his hands and feet. 'Polls allays comes over the sea, you know. 'She didn't believe me, murmured Teddy, chewing a wisp of grass meditatively. 'Gals is no good, never! If she'd been a boy you would 'a fought her, but I shouldn't care for naught like her, Ted. Teddy turned his face upwards to the speaker.

This being evidently the central point of the entertainment, Aunt Chloe began now to bustle about earnestly in the supper department. "Here you, Mose and Pete! get out de way, you niggers! Get away, Mericky, honey, mammy'll give her baby some fin, by and by.

"Evelyn, we will never be the same children again," he said sadly. "Oh, I'm homesick for America! I want to go home to Princeton. I want to have it come Fourth of July and hear the crackers go off and see the flag hanging out of store windows, and upside down and wrong side to on people's lawns the way they most always hang it. I want to hooray for 'Mericky. I am dead, dead sick of this, sissy.

"Don't you take on so, Bishop," she intervened, "'Mericky ain't done much for me and precious little it's going ter do for you. What I says is, let those as have got a good 'ome stop there and be thankful. Yer may talk about your oshun wave, but I ain't taking any, no, not though there was diamonds on the sea beach the other side and 'ot-'arse roses fer nothink.