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Already famous by the publication of his Genius of Christianity, he was then writing in the Mercure.

If the Reader will be at the trouble to see Examples of it, let him look into the new Mercure Galant; where the Author every Month gives a List of Rhymes to be filled up by the Ingenious, in order to be communicated to the Publick in the Mercure for the succeeding Month.

It was in this way that his eye happened to fall on a paragraph in the "Mercure de France," announcing that the Academy of Dijon would give a prize the next year for the best essay on the following subject: "Whether the Progress of the Arts and Sciences has tended to corrupt or to improve Morals." From that moment, according to Rousseau, a complete change came over him.

He say that Mercure give him rendezvous at some temple tomorrow when the moon raise herself." "Right," cried Gerald, "righto!

Returning to Holland, they made their complaint; and the affair being laid before the States, it was resolved that Grotius, who had written on the subject and was more master of it than any one, should be sent to England to demand justice: But, says the Mercure François, he found the old proverb true: The strongest are masters of the sea, and such never care to make restitution: so that he could obtain no satisfaction.

Gaston Jean Baptiste de France, originally named Duc d'Anjou, and subsequently Duc d'Orléans, died in 1660. Before his birth, Henri IV declared his intention of making him a churchman, and causing him to be entitled Cardinal de France. Mercure Français, 1608, p. 231. Sully, Mém. vol. vii. p. 37. L'Etoile, vol. iii. p. 471.

Mercure Français, 1607, P-228. L'Etoile, vol. iii. pp. 437, 438. Mémoires, vol. vii. p. 7. L'Etoile, vol. iii. pp. 417, 418. Bassompierre, Mém. p. 51. Bassompierre, Mém. p. 51. Sully, Mém. vol. vii. p. 8. Sully, Mém. vol. vii. pp. 8, 9. Mercure Français, 1608, p. 231. L'Etoile, vol. iii. pp. 444, 445. Sully, Mém. vol. vii. pp. 25-28. Péréfixe, vol. ii. pp. 463, 464. Bassompierre, Mém. pp. 50, 51.

There was reason to admire it, for the passage was truly eloquent; and also cause for anxiety, for the Mercure was suppressed precisely because of that passage.

The merchants of Amsterdam applied therefore, to an experienced sailor, William Barentz, born in the island of Terschelling, near the Texel. This navigator set out from the Texel in 1594, on board the Mercure, doubled the North Cape, saw the island of Waigatz, and found himself, on the 4th of July, in sight of the coast of Nova Zembla, in latitude 73 degrees 25 minutes.

It is when we turn to the living that we realise what a flatland is Russian literature now. A writer and critic, Madame Z. Hippius, attempted in the Paris Mercure de France to give an idea of the situation. She admitted the inadequacy of her sketch. The troubled political map of Russia has not been conducive to ripe artistic production.