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He had one of these dinky little merchines with him that you play on like a piano, you know " "A typewriter?" suggested Hiram, with a smile. "Yep. Well, he wrote stories. Father learnt as how all that stuff was just imaginary, and so he don't take no stock in printed stuff any more." "That man just sat down at that merchine, and rattled off a story that he got real money for.

That was something entirely novel, and it is no wonder that they were anxious to see their property. "I hopes, Mah'sr John," said Aunt Judy to Mr. Loudon, "dat dem dar merchines ain't a-goin' to bust up when dey're lef' h'yar all alone by theyselves." "Oh, there's no danger, Aunt Judy," said Mr. Loudon, "if you don't meddle with them.

"He frittered away a good deal on new-fangled merchines and such things that wa'n't of any account, had a reg'lar mania for 'em for a year or so before he died; and then he give some money to his housekeeper and the man that worked for him, and what was left he give to the town for a new town-hall; but, along of quarrellin' about where 'twas to set and what 'twas to be built of, and gittin' legal advice to settle the p'ints, I declare if 'tain't 'most squandered!

But if they leave the wires attached to the instruments, lightning might be attracted into the cabins during a thunder-storm, and Aunt Judy might find the 'merchines' quite as dangerous as a horse-pistol." "But they mustn't leave the wires that way," said Kate. "I sha'n't let Harry forget it.

She never heard of "sich bisness, a-wakin' people out of their beds in the middle o' the night fur dem foolin' merchines." But Harry's racket had a good effect, after all. It woke Aunt Judy, and after a time she got out of bed, uncovered the fire, blew up a little blaze, lighted a candle, and putting on some clothes, came and opened the door, grumbling all the time.