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Next week I may want you to go to Cherbourg in the yacht with me if the Channel is pretty calm and then perhaps to Rouen and Paris. But I will speak of that to-morrow. 'Very good, my lord. 'Meanwhile I recommend that you and Mrs. Menlove repeat nothing you may have heard concerning the lady you just now spoke of. Here is a slight present for Mrs.

Come a little further we'll follow them. Menlove began to lead the way downstairs, but Picotee held back. 'Won't they see us? she said. 'No. And if they do, it doesn't matter. Mrs. Doncastle would not object in the least to the daughter of her respected head man being accidentally seen in the hall. They descended to the bottom and stood in the hall.

Doncastle made no remark, and she remained in the same still position as before; but a countenance expressing transcendent surprise was reflected to Menlove by the glass. At this sight Menlove's tongue so burned to go further, and unfold the lady's relations with the butler downstairs, that she would have lost a month's wages to be at liberty to do it.

'If you still want to go and see the procession downstairs you may do so, she said reluctantly; 'provided that you take care of your tongue when you come in contact with Menlove, and adhere to father's instructions as to how long you may stay. It may be in the highest degree unwise; but never mind, go.

At any rate, should Menlove spread the report, it would absolutely prevent people from attending your lectures next season, for they would feel like dupes, and be angry with theirselves, and you, and all of us. 'The only way out of the muddle that I can see for you is to put some scheme of marrying into effect as soon as possible, and before these things are known.

In the hall she met a slender woman wearing a silk dress of that peculiar black which in sunlight proclaims itself to have once seen better days as a brown, and days even better than those as a lavender, green, or blue. 'Menlove, said the lady, 'did you notice if any gentleman observed and followed me when I left the hotel to go for a walk this evening?

She hastily explained to her father that Menlove had been Lady Petherwin's maid and her own at some time before the death of her mother- in-law, that she had only stayed with them through a three months' tour because of her flightiness, and hence had learnt nothing of Ethelberta's history, and probably had never thought at all about it.

'Nonsense, said Menlove; 'he meant no harm. Playtime was now getting short, and further antics being dangerous on that account, the performers retired again downstairs, Picotee of necessity following.

Menlove an exclamation which was more apposite than her mistress suspected, considering that the speaker, after retiring from duty, had slipped down her dark skirt to reveal a light, puffed, and festooned one, put on a hat and feather, together with several pennyweights of metal in the form of rings, brooches, and earrings all in a time whilst one could count a hundred and enjoyed half-an-hour of prime courtship by an honourable young waiter of the town, who had proved constant as the magnet to the pole for the space of the day and a half that she had known him.

Then the housemaid drew a jew's-harp from her pocket, and struck up a lively waltz sotto voce. The footman seized Menlove, who appeared nothing loth, and began spinning gently round the room with her, to the time of the fascinating measure 'Which fashion hails, from countesses to queens, And maids and valets dance behind the scenes.