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In other words, there will be a process of moral segregation set up. Indeed, such a process is probably already in operation, amidst the deliquescent social mass. People will be drawn together into little groups of similar ménages having much in common.

The 'Beheading of John the Baptist, in the Cathedral, Malta, is one of his masterpieces. His Holy Families now and then resemble gipsy ménages. Guiseppe Ribiera, a Spaniard, and so called Lo Spagnoletto, was born 1593 and died 1656. He followed Caravaggio, while he retained reminiscences of the Spanish School and of the Venetian masters.

These are two highly probably ménages among the central mass of the people of the coming time. But there will be many others. The ménage

At the top of the street we find the Rue de Sèvres, and turning to the left we shall view, at the corner of the Rue de la Chaise, the old Hospital entitled Hospices des Ménages; it was built in 1554 on the site of an old establishment for afflicted children, and is now appropriated to the reception of the aged, whether married couples or single; there are 264 beds, and an extensive garden attached to the establishment.

Nothing is more peculiar than a Frenchman's ideas of morality in literature; for, strange as it may appear, several of Feuillet's books are considered highly edifying, and the secretary of the Academy, upon his entrance into that august body, was able to greet him with the, in France, by no means negative praise that it was not his fault if there still existed mauvaises ménages.

It was one of those spinster marriages honourable and seemly ménages for which the Lakes have always been famous. But Miss Wetherby was now away, visiting her relations in the South. Had she been there, Phoebe could never have made up her mind to accept Miss Anna's urgent invitation. She shrank from everybody strangers, or old acquaintance it was all one.

A great lady, Madame de Longveille, hearing the 'Pucelle read aloud, murmured that it was 'perfect indeed, but perfectly wearisome. Then the satires began, and the satirists never left you till your poetic reputation was a rag, till the mildest Abbe at Menages had his cheap sneer for Chapelain.

I spent sixteen nights and sixteen days at it, only sleeping three hours out of the twenty-four; I employed twenty workmen at the printer's office, and I managed to write, make and compose the five acts of 'L'Ecole des Menages' in time to read it on February 25th.

Modern opinion is shocked by a discrepancy in age between husband and wife, with which the Middle Ages, a time of ménages de convenance, was more familiar. 'Seldom, the Ménagier says, 'will you see ever so old a man who will not marry a young woman. Yet his attitude towards his young wife shows us that there may have been compensations, even in a marriage between May and January.

And although there will be a general convention upon which the most diverse people will meet, it will only be with persons who have come to identical or similar conclusions in the matter of moral conduct and who are living in similar ménages, just as now it is only with people whose conversation implies a certain community or kinship of religious belief, that really frequent and intimate intercourse will go on.