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Thus spoke the terrible Dead Man, as he glared menacingly upon the affrighted and trembling Clinton, whose fears deprived him of all power of utterance. 'Sydney will hang like a dog, continued the hideous miscreant, the words hissing from between his clenched teeth 'My revenge in that quarter shall be consummated, while you, d d young villain that you are, shall

Over the ancient bridge the enterprise of a modern brewer last week brought a huge iron vat, so menacingly ponderous that the authorities made him insure the bridge for a day. Within the castle, near the main entrance, are displayed some tapestries, which are hardly shown to due advantage in that position.

Then came the supreme moment of Perry's evening, the ultimate chance on which he risked his fortunes. He rose and looked first at Betty, where she sat weakly, aghast at this new complication, and then at the individual who swayed from side to side on his chair, uncertainly, menacingly. "Very well," said Perry slowly to the individual, "you can have her.

The undertaker came, suave, quiet, respectful, but he dropped back from the bedroom door as he saw two gleaming, amber eyes regarding him menacingly. "The dog loved my sister," Enid explained, quietly. "But he has found his way to her room, and he refuses to move. He fancies that we have done something her.... Oh, no, I couldn't poison him!

Another rush of feet and down upon Lugur's forces poured the frog-men, their booming giant leading, thrusting with their lances, tearing and rending with talons and fangs and spurs. Against that onslaught the dwarfs could not stand. They raced for the shells; I heard Lugur shouting, menacingly and then Lakla's voice, pealing like a golden bugle of wrath. "Go, Lugur!" she cried.

The children turned their stubbed-toed shoes out into the aisle, their eyes menacingly on Camilla. "Rise!" Like a covey of partridge, they all stood up, stretching, twisting their bodies, stiff and torpid after the long hours of immobility. "Pass!" Clattering feet all over the building began moving along the aisles and out towards the cloakrooms.

Fernand stood with fascinated gaze fixed upon the being whose eyes seemed to glare with subdued lightnings, like those of the basilisk. There was something awful in that form something wildly and menacingly sinister in the sardonic smile that curled his lips as if with ineffable contempt, and with the consciousness of his own power!

In all these rapid and energetic proceedings of the Adelantado, and still more from causes over which he had no control, the Spaniards must have suffered much; and, doubtless, those complaints on their part, which were soon to break out very menacingly, were not unheard at the present time.

She saw nothing but an answering figure ribboned and jewelled, that dashed at her and pointed its forefinger menacingly. The appearance of this figure as from behind the glass shut out from her mind the idea of another figure behind it. The packed box, neat and new-labelled, the absence of the handbag and of any sign of occupancy, the open windows, the silence, all told their lying tale.

They were clumsy looking enough, these flat-bottomed barges, but the only type of boat that could ride the rough water and skim the rocks so menacingly close to the surface. "There's nothin' left to do now but say our prayers." Smaltz's jocularity broke the silence.