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"She wrote from the Hotel " Melcher checked himself and shot a questioning look at his friend. "Why this sudden charity?" Jim's gaze was bland, his tone one of wounded innocence. "Can't a guy offer to cheer " "You're not in the business of cheering sick dames," Melcher said, sharply. Then, after a pause, "You never came through with me, Jim. There was something phony about Lilas's get-away.

I've a hunch that we can handle Wharton all right through booze. A man can be made to marry anybody if he's drunk enough." "He's about ready to ask her SHE'S the one to fix. She hates men, though, and that Merkle story made her crazy." "Sore, eh?" "She talked the Dutch route thinks her good name is gone, and regards every man as a hyena." Melcher pondered for several moments.

Lorelei gasped, for on the front page glared black-typed head- lines of the Hammon scandal. John Merkle's name was there, too and linked with it, her own. "Jim!" she cried aghast. "They promised to kill the story." "Humph! Charley Murphy himself couldn't kill that." "What is THIS?" She ran her eye swiftly down the column. "Sure. Melcher commenced suit against Hammon this afternoon.

"He may finish himself, but he'll never finish that book; he keeps on thinking of more to say, just like Mr. Melcher does when he prays. If it weren't for that stupid old book he might get well. Was that the telephone?"

"Now, what's the difference, so long as you get yours? Photography is a paying business." Melcher laughed agreeably. "Sure! I'll bet Sarony is rich." Young Sullivan carelessly accepted the roll of currency which Melcher tossed him, and the others did likewise. "I suppose that's curtain for us," Jim said, regretfully. "It is. The rest is Lilas's affair."

Charles Talor was down to the house tonite and kept us all laffing to hear him tell stories about father and Gim Melcher. Oct. 8. brite and fair. tomorrow me and Beany are going to wirk for Mister Hirvey making ice creem. he is going to give us some and some creem cakes. i missed in school today. Oct. 9.

"Not if you get inside his shirt and make him believe they're lies. You and your mother will have to convince her that he's her only 'out." "I don't think much of that program," Jim protested, nervously. Melcher smiled. "A girl like her can be driven anywhere if she's handled right. Between you and your mother and Lilas you can do it." "Perhaps, but I doubt it. Ma's got her afraid of men.

He sent me money to come home with, and he seemed to be my only friend." "Friend! I thought you and he were enemies." "Oh, he doesn't love me and he doesn't hate me," Lilas explained. "He seemed sorry for me, and I was grateful for any sympathy, no matter where it came from. You see, I didn't know what I was doing, and I didn't realize my mistake until it was too late." "Melcher of all people!"

"Say, will the old man fall AGAIN?" queried Armistead. "He's going to marry her!" The three others stared at him in amazement. "Right!" confirmed Melcher. "She's got a strangle hold on him." "Hm-m! Maybe we haven't lost the last car yet," Sullivan ventured. Jim seconded the thought. "She's got an ace buried somewhere. There's a lot more in her head than hair-pins.

Brite and fair. i licked Ti Crummet today. me and Whack and Fatty Melcher was over on Factory Hill sliding and Ti Crummet and Hirum Mingo and Bobberty Robinson and Dinky Lord came over and i had my sled all new painted, Pewts father painted it and Ti Crummet run his old sled agenst it and nocked of sum of the paint, and i told him to keep his old sled of mine and Ti he said he wood nock sum of the paint of me if i said 2 words more and then he swoar feerfully. i dident say nothing becaus i dident want to fite him, and Hirum Mingo said Plupy says he can lick you Ti and Ti said i can nock hel out of you old spindel legs and i said i dident say so and Ti he swoar sum more so it sort of scart me, well then i was going and Hirum he pushed Ti rite into me and he kicked me in the leg and got hold of my hair and i got the under hold and got him down jest as esy as ennything and then i set on him and lammed him til he holered enuf and then i let him up and he went home balling. i bet he beter not fite me agen.