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Everywhere, some fragment of ruin suggesting the magnificence of a former epoch; everywhere, moreover, a Cross, and nastiness at the foot of it. As the sum of all, there are recollections that kindle the soul, and a gloom and languor that depress it beyond any depth of melancholic sentiment that can be elsewhere known. Yet how is it possible to say an unkind or irreverential word of Rome?

Whatever is licentious, whatever disrespectful to the sacred mysteries of our faith, whatever morbidly melancholic or splenetically sportive, whatever assails settled constitutions of government or systems of society, whatever could wound the sensibility of any mortal, except a pagan, a republican, or a dissenter, has been unrelentingly blotted out, and its place supplied by unexceptionable verses in his lordship's later style.

Why? But why was the sun of this 23rd August, shining from its rise royally upon pacified, enrolled and liveried armies of cloud, more agreeable to earth's populations than his pinched appearance of the poor mopped red nose and melancholic rheumy eyelets on a January day! Undoubtedly Victor Radnor risked his repute of prophet.

She was certainly waking up from her normal melancholic condition; for, before this, she had been seen to smile a phenomenon never noticed in her before by her oldest acquaintance. "You have quite forgotten the Shannon! My poor dear papa, when he was alive, used to say that it was the finest river in the world.

Comet lank and melancholic Orbit shocking parabolic Seen for a little in the sky Of the world of sympathy Seldom failing when predicted, Coming most when most restricted, Dragging a nebulous tail with thee Of hypothetic vagrancy Of vagrants large, and vagrants small, Vagrants scarce visible at all! Matchless oracle of woe! Anarchy in embryo! Strange antipodes of bliss! Parody on happiness!

Their play is so charming that no observer could refrain from paying them a tribute of praise, and from mentioning the melodious concerts arising from the sharp whistlings of the males and the melancholic whistlings of the females, before suddenly returning to his citizen's duties he begins inventing the most diabolic means for the extermination of the little robbers.

There was none of that antique nonsense when Lady Sandwich married her daughter. All vulgar fashions of coarse old Oliver's day have gone to the ragbag of worn-out English customs. We were so coarse a nation, till we learnt manners in exile. Let me have my own way, dearest. It will amuse me, and wean me from melancholic fancies." "Then, indeed, love, thou shalt have thy way in all particulars."

We may also recall the consultation between M. de Pourceaugnac's two doctors: "The arguments you have used are so erudite and elegant that it is impossible for the patient not to be hypochondriacally melancholic; or, even if he were not, he must surely become so because of the elegance of the things you have said and the accuracy of your reasoning."

LADY GLENALVON. "My dear young friend, your question saddens me." Life admits of no lookers-on. Speak to me frankly, as you used to do. Your face retains its old melancholy expression. Are you not happy?" KENELM. "Happy, as mortals go, I ought to be. I do not think I am unhappy. If my temper be melancholic, melancholy has a happiness of its own.

"Hush, sister!" broke out Aurelia in eager indignation. "What! is a lovely young creature, almost equal to what I was before my cruel malady, to waste her bloom on a wretched old melancholic, who will not so much as look at her!" "Harriet, I cannot hear this you know not of what you are talking!