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After completing this meal, she places two bundles of grass, some bark and beads in a small basket and ties it beside the window. The significance of the act is not clear to the people, but it is "an old custom, and is pleasing to the spirits." Shortly before the child is expected, two or three mediums are summoned to the dwelling.

"Still," said Mrs Jefferson, "although you may have been tricked, it doesn't stand to reason that spiritualism is trickery. I've come from the very core and centre of it so to speak. I've been at more seances than I could count, and I've seen tests applied that prove the manifestations are genuine. Still there are heaps of professional mediums who are not to be depended on, I grant.

It errs in the one direction as materialism errs in the other. One must not confound with this doctrine that very different one, Spiritism, which teaches that a certain favored class of persons called mediums may bring back the spirits of the departed and enable us to hold communication with them.

At some appointed place, rice, eggs, betel-nuts, and a large pig have been assembled, and to this spot the mediums go to conduct the rite known as Dawak. Before its conclusion a diam is recited over the pig, which is then killed and prepared for food. Meanwhile the chief medium beseeches the supreme being Kadaklan to enter her body.

He is up to all their "dodges," because he has learned in their school. Mediums always insist upon certain conditions, and those conditions are just such as will best enable them to deceive the senses and pervert the judgment. Anderson "the Wizard of the North," and other conjurers in England, gave the Davenports battle, but the "prestidigitators" did not reap many laurels.

As to the personality of mediums, they have seemed to me to be very average specimens of the community, neither markedly better nor markedly worse.

I once dabbed fifteen Mediums with a touch of white paint as they approached the nest, and within five minutes thirteen of them had emerged and started on the back track again. The leaf is taken in charge by another Medium, hosts of whom are everywhere.

There are very, very few professional Mediums, as far as our experience goes, who are accepted by all Spiritualists as free from the reproach of fraud. Indeed one Medium with whom, by the advice of Mr. Hazard, we had a séance, and for whom Mr.

Let's be just to this girl. There are points in her favor." Serviss protested. "Not another word. It's too painful." Britt persisted. "I was merely going to say that I think there is some basis for all this humbuggery. These mediums don't start from nothing. They nearly all begin with some abnormality.

All that is written in this book is written for a peculiar instruction to all, and especially to those who are strong Mediums of deluding and destroying spirits the great Prince amongst whom is Emperor Napoleon. But we write this treatise, to deliver him from those miserable tyrants, and to make him a preacher of peace also to his departed friends.