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I couldn't be at the shore to stop the launch leaving. What right had I to stop another man's launch, even "No, 'twas up to me, and I thought and thought till after supper-time. And then I had a plan a risky chance, but a chance, just the same. I went up to the store and bought four feet of medium-size rubber hose and some rubber tape, same as they sell to bicycle fellers in the summer.

But these are only statistics, and mean little unless a real attempt is made to visualize them. As a matter of fact, his mere height that of a medium-size zebra-was little unless accented by the impression of his tremendous power and quickness. We skinned him, and then rode four long hours to camp. We arrived at dark, and at once set to work preparing the trophy.

Select a medium-size, very hard head of red cabbage. Remove the outer leaves and cut the stalk off close to the head. Then cut the cabbage in quarters and take out the heart close to the leaves. With a very sharp, thin-bladed knife cut the cabbage in shreds as fine as possible.

Serve with it a white, a Bechamel, or a Hollandaise sauce; or it may be served as a garnish to chicken, sweetbreads, etc., the little bunches being broken off and mixed with the sauce. Finely chop one medium-size onion and a small bunch of parsley. Melt one tablespoon butter in a pan and fry the onion until it is brown. Season with celery salt.

When the dachshunds should pounce on their natural prey, the medium-size game, poor Tommy would be at the bottom of the heap. Several even started forward to restrain the dogs, but stopped as they realized the impossibilities. Tommy and the 'coon hit with a thump. From my elevated perch I could see it waving agitatedly as they made their way through it in the direction of the distant ranch.

Another on the same ridge, only one foot seven and a half inches in diameter, had reached the age of 834 years. The first fifteen inches from the bark of a medium-size tree six feet in diameter, on the north Tenaya pavement, had 859 layers of wood. Beyond this the count was stopped by dry rot and scars.

"Finally I decided to try a little scheme of my own. I wanted to see whether I could really win their admiration for something. I picked out a medium-size painting of no particular importance and, pointing to it, said impressively: 'Here, m'sieur, is a picture worth a million dollars without the frame! "'What's that? he demanded excitedly.

Dachshunds are evidently built for holes. They are long and low, and they have spatulate feet for digging, and their bandy legs enable them to throw the dirt out behind them. Their long, sharp noses are like tweezers to seize upon the medium-size game.

Rather it is the fault of their environment to which they have been transplanted. Back in their own native vaterland they were always used for medium-sized game. And what is more they are good at it! Come here, Pete, they shan't abuse you! Coyotes and bobcats are medium-size game, someone ventured to point out. Not at all, medium-size game should live in holes, like badgers.

This site is located in the upper part of the canyon, on top of the talus, about 100 feet above the stream, and commands an outlook over several areas of bottom land on both sides. The walls are built about 10 feet high, and are composed of medium-size stones laid in courses and carefully chinked with small spalls.