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All our ills appear to be caused by minute insects that get inside of us, demoralize our system of government and inaugurate a reign of anarchy. Everything, from mugwumpery to the meddler's itch, from corns to crime, is now traced to the pernicious activity of some microbian. Even our currency system is blasted by goldbugs, and Prohibition milk- sickness is being treated with vermifuge.

Now, as I live, I would not play the busy meddler's part, Who thrusts himself, unasked, 'twixt sire and son, And there intrudes without a blush, condemned By his own conscious insignificance, No, not, by heaven, to win a diadem! Retire, my lord! No, to the cabinet, Until I call you. My father once again! Thanks, endless thanks, for this unwonted favor! Your hand, my father! O delightful day!

He picked up his faithful Springfield, and drawing an envelope with money out of his shirt-pocket, rolled it up to fit the muzzle of his gun, and then rammed it down. "That's Jim Meddler's $10," he said. "I'll know it, because his mother's name's on the envelope. Here goes Pete Irvin's $20. I know it because it has his wife's name on it."

When the meddler's secret work in tampering with their plane before they went up on the night raid was mentioned, the flight lieutenant's eyes flashed with indignation. Being a pilot himself he could appreciate such rank treachery better than any layman could. "That's how the land lies," said Jack in conclusion.

The single pleader for the lad sprang to stop the man's arm, and the blow descended upon his own wrist. Canty roared out "Thou'lt meddle, wilt thou? Then have thy reward." His cudgel crashed down upon the meddler's head: there was a groan, a dim form sank to the ground among the feet of the crowd, and the next moment it lay there in the dark alone.

That receipt, if it falls into some cursed meddler's hands, would send me straight to the guillotine." "The receipt could only fall into alien hands," rejoined de Batz blandly, "if I happened to be arrested, and even in that case they could but fall into those of the chief agent of the Committee of General Security, and he hath name Heron. You must take some risks, my friend. I take them too.

"Trade them? Good heavens, yes! Of all things! Here!" Jane unclasped the beads and thrust them toward Ling Foo's eager claw. But Dennison reached out an intervening hand. "Just a moment, Miss Norman. What's the game?" he asked of Ling Foo. Ling Foo silently cursed all this meddler's ancestors from Noah down, but his face expressed only mild bewilderment. "Game?" "Yes.

The single pleader for the lad sprang to stop the man's arm, and the blow descended upon his own wrist. Canty roared out "Thou'lt meddle, wilt thou? Then have thy reward." His cudgel crashed down upon the meddler's head: there was a groan, a dim form sank to the ground among the feet of the crowd, and the next moment it lay there in the dark alone.