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They are all in there, in M. Mechinet's office. M. Daubigeon told me to keep it for them. The Marchioness de Boiscoran also was carried there when she was taken ill in the court-room." He accompanied the two gentlemen, while telling them this, to the end of the hall; then he opened a door, and said, "They are in there," and withdrew discreetly.

Mechinet's anxiety vanished instantly. He thought no longer of his strange position. His vanity was flattered by the confidence which this young lady put in him, whom he knew very well as the noblest, the most beautiful, and the richest heiress in the whole country. "You were quite right to send for me, madam," he replied, "if I can be of any service to you."

The young girl made no reply, but sat down at Mechinet's table; but, at the moment when she was putting pen to paper she asked, "Has M. de Boiscoran any books in his prison?" "Yes, madam. At his request M. Galpin himself went and selected, in M. Daubigeon's library, some books of travels and some of Cooper's novels for him." Dionysia uttered a cry of delight.

And so, on their way, she told him all the little details of her interview; and the old gentleman declared, in all earnest, that he did not know which to admire most, her presence of mind, or Mechinet's disinterestedness. "All the more reason," said the young girl, "why we should not add to the dangers which the good man is going to run for us.