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'I am very sorry, said Sir Felix, looking quite aghast. 'I think that I had at any rate better retire, said Miss Longestaffe, raising herself to her full height and stalking out of the room. 'Qu'elle est méchante, said Madame Melmotte. 'Oh, she is so bad. Sir Felix, you had better go too. Yes indeed. 'No, said Marie, running to him, and taking hold of his arm. 'Why should he go?

At the far end of the second story hall she perceived the Vicomte, who had not appeared at breakfast, coming out of his room. She paused with her hand on the walnut post and laughed a little, so ludicrous was his expression as he approached her. "Ah, Mademoiselle, que vous etes mechante!" he exclaimed. "But I forgive you, if you will not go off with that stock-broker.

Chris était méchante très méchante, and no amount of arguing would make her change her opinion upon that point. So Chris abandoned argument while the worried little Frenchwoman bathed and bandaged her foot anew. She would not be able to bathe again for at least a week, and this fact was of itself sufficient to depress her into silence.

"Parole d'honneur! What does that matter?" "Everything! Ah! I am not so mechante, so mauvaise tete as I was some months ago. If thou went married, I should say, 'Blessed and sacred be thy wife! Forget me. But as it is, one word more. Dost thou love the young lady, whoever she be? or does she love thee so well that it would be sin in thee to talk trifles to Julie?

At the far end of the second story hall she perceived the Vicomte, who had not appeared at breakfast, coming out of his room. She paused with her hand on the walnut post and laughed a little, so ludicrous was his expression as he approached her. "Ah, Mademoiselle, que vous etes mechante!" he exclaimed. "But I forgive you, if you will not go off with that stock-broker.

He has left the parental roof, and they refused there to give me his address." "My poor girl, don't be mechante. It is quite true that Gustave Rameau is engaged to be married; and any attempt of yours to create scandal " "Monsieur," interrupted Julie, vehemently, "don't talk to me about scandal! The man is mine, and no one else shall have him. His address?"

They halted at their places, and there, at the centre of the long table, on the right of the young Prince stood the Princess, with flushed face and shining eyes, looking very beautiful and radiantly defiant. "Mechante," Paul whispered, as they sat down. "This is a trap." "Je le sais. Tu est bien prise, petite souris." It pleased her to be gay. She confessed unblushingly.

"How unpleasant to have any one else going about with a mouth exactly like one's own! No, I never had a brother, Mr. Orden, or a sister, and, as you may have heard, I am an enfant mechante. I live in London, I model very well, and I talk very bad sociology. As I think I told you, I know your anarchist friend, Miles Furley." "I shouldn't call Furley an anarchist," protested Julian.

Come when you may, you shall find it ready for you." "Now, there is a true friend!" cried the bowman, taking her hand. "There is a bonne amie! English land and English women, say I, and French wine and French plunder. I shall be back anon, mon ange. I am a lonely man, my sweeting, and I must settle some day when the wars are over and done. Mayhap you and I Ah, mechante, mechante!

A nous défendre toujours prompt, Il frappe le superbe front De la troupe ennemie; On verra tomber sous ses coups Ceux qui provoquent son courroux Par leur méchante vie." This was the "Marseillaise" of the Camisards, their war-song in many battles, sung by them as a pas de charge to the music of Goudimal.