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But now it's all a mix-up that I can't understand. Mebbe I'm a fool, I don't know. But, anyway, go ahead an' tell us about your mother." "Well, you see, when she was only a young woman she and Captain Brown fell in love. He was a soldier then, before the war. And he was ordered East for the war when she was away nursing her sister Laura. And then came the news that he was killed at Shiloh.

Better git yer ark alongside the wharf; fur we're goin' to hev the Columbia runnin' up stream to-night, sure as you're born." "Hullo! Is that you, Joe Chillis? What brought you to town in this kind o' weather? And what do you know about the tides? that's my business, I calculate." "Mebbe it is; and mebbe a bar pilot knows more about the tides nor a mountain man.

But even a small accumulation might be in the partly depleted bulbs or the top of the crate and a fire would certainly ensue even if there was no violent explosion. And besides, just beneath the lid was their money the cash Ned had secured for their further expenses and the return home. "We are anxious for all of us," explained Alan. "And mebbe anxious fur something else," sneered the marshal.

The light was behind her." Hillard tapped one toe and then the other. "An' how was she dressed?" "In fog, for all I could see." "On the level now, didn't you know who she was?" The policeman gave Hillard a sly dig in the ribs with his club. "On my word!" "Some swell, mebbe." "Undoubtedly a lady. That's why it looks odd, why it brought me into the street. She sang in classic Italian.

He had swallowed strenuously and this time got out the words cleanly. "Well, now, I don't hardly know. My Bertha had her cousin give her that bird. It's a costly bird. I guess you couldn't pay such a price. I guess it would cost a full half dollar, mebbe." He had meant the price to be prohibitive, and it did shock the questioner, opulent though he was.

The yellow head bent forward in assent. "And how they're stronger'n a whole bunch of men?" "Yes," breathed Bobbie; "but the chair the men've got that, an' mebbe the angels'll be busy when they're puttin' the cobbler in it." This idea made him shriek out louder than before: "They'll kill Lafe! Oh, Jinnie, they will!" "They can't!" denied Jinnie, rigidly. "They can't! Listen, Bobbie."

"Bah! never count your chicken's till they're hatched!" scoffed the other, as he saw the fat scout suddenly pause, as though there had come a sickening slackening of the line. "Imagination is a great thing, mebbe; but next time be sure of your game before you whoop it up so." "But he's there yet, I tell you!" ejaculated Bumpus, again becoming active.

He turned on his pillow and glanced towards the dressing-table. "Are you looking for anything?" John asked. "Is there a book there?" "No," John said. "Do you want one?" "Your ma read a wee bit to me in the night, after you went to bed. I thought mebbe you'd read a wee bit more to me. Willie Reilly, it was." "I'll get it for you," John replied, going to the door.

"Well, mother, and how are you getting along?" she asked cheerily. "Jest as nice as can be, daughter, and ain't this room pretty?" returned the little old woman eagerly. "Do you know, it seems kind of natural like; mebbe it's because of that chair there. Seth says it's almost like his at home." It was a good beginning, and Mrs. John made the most of it.

"Aw, now, sir, you never know what anybody's worth 'til you have need of them," Matier replied. "A man mightn't be worth a damn to you one day, an' he'd mebbe be worth millions to you the next!" "There's little fear of you bein' worth millions to any one. Run on now an' do your work if you've any work to do!" Mr. Quinn turned to Henry as the gardener went off.