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"Our grandmothers used to save up meat-bones, rags and bottles and trade them off to the peddler, receiving tinware in return." "The man on that wagon was doing business forty years ago," remarked Tom. "In fact, judging by his appearance, he must have been quite a veteran at the business even forty years ago." A bent, little old man it was who was perched upon the seat of the red wagon.

Then Freckles added to wheat and crumbs, every scrap of refuse food he could find at the cabin. He carried to his pets the parings of apples, turnips, potatoes, stray cabbage-leaves, and carrots, and tied to the bushes meat-bones having scraps of fat and gristle.

Plymouth itself was full of French prisoners, who made little models of guillotines out of their meat-bones, and sold them to the children for the then fashionable amusement of 'cutting off Louis XVI.'s head. Benjamin was sent to the local grammar-school, whose headmaster, Dr. Bidlake, was a man of some culture, though not a deep classic.

There can be no complaint as to the strength of the coffee, since there is no milk to dilute it, but the color of the sugar might afford ground of exception on the part of the over-fastidious. Soups of rice, meat-bones, and occasionally poultry, when there happen to be any hen-roosts in close proximity, make a substantial dinner.

I was too proud in all my misery to beg. I do not believe I ever did. But I remember well a basement window at the downtown Delmonico's, the silent appearance of my ravenous face at which, at a certain hour in the evening, always evoked a generous supply of meat-bones and rolls from a white-capped cook who spoke French. That was the saving clause.

I was too proud in all my misery to beg. I do not believe I ever did. But I remember well a basement window at the down-town Delmonico's, the silent appearance of my ravenous face at which, at a certain hour in the evening, always evoked a generous supply of meat-bones and rolls from a white-capped cook who spoke French. That was the saving clause.

He told me once that he considered the wisest thing ever said by human tongue was the Swahili proverb 'Whoso taketh a woman into his kraal depositeth himself straightway in the wongo. Wongo, he tells me, is a sort of broth composed of herbs and meat-bones, corresponding to our soup. You must get Eddie to give it you in the original Swahili. It sounds even better."

"I did and I was going to write and tell you to come down, but I've had some special work to do at the office." She took the horse's rein from him, and together they started toward the stables. As she stepped over and around the old hoofs and meat-bones which littered the way without comment, Wayland again wondered at her apparent failure to realize the disgusting disorder of the yard.