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Yet now, impassively and ignominiously, he was surrendering them to the conqueror, supinely, meanly, without even the solace of some supreme if vain resistance! He listened to MacNutt's gloating little "Ah!" of triumph without a sign or movement.

Let a bright saying, a witty comparison, a piquant phrase fall from their lips and I was after it like a hound springing upon a bone. I dared not trust my memory; but, turning aside guiltily and meanly, I would make a note of it in my ever-present memorandum book or upon my cuff for my own future use. My friends regarded me in sorrow and wonder. I was not the same man.

I admire and love you, my child, for the generous indignation you express against those who trample upon the fallen, or who meanly triumph over the errors of superior genius; and if I seem more cold, or more severe, than you wish me to be, attribute this to my anxiety for your happiness, and to that caution which is perhaps the infirmity of age.

One parting was a strangely sore one: there was an old and poor woman that lived very meanly in the place, who had an only granddaughter, a little maid. These two he loved very much, and had often done them small kindnesses. He kept this good-bye to the last, and went to the house after sundown. The old woman bade him sit down, and asked him what he meant to do, now that he was alone.

The subtlety of their thoughts betrays a mind lacking in substance; they are incapable of any great or noble feeling, they have neither simplicity nor vigour; altogether abject and meanly wicked, they are merely frivolous, deceitful, and false; they have not even courage enough to be distinguished criminals.

"Bring every sweetest flower, and let me strew The grave where Russell lies, whose tempered blood With calmest cheerfulness for thee resigned, Stained the sad annals of a giddy reign; Aiming at lawless power, though, meanly sunk In loose inglorious luxury." So sang of him the poet of the Seasons, Thomson, in his famous apostrophe to Britannia as the land of liberty.

Don't think so meanly of me." "Acton," said Jack, sweating drops of terror, "it is expulsion if we're caught." "Jack," said Acton, "have you ever known me to fail yet in anything I undertake?" "No." "Well, I will not fail here. If you like I'll give you my word of honour we shall not be caught, and, if by a miracle of ill-luck we should be, I shall see you through.

I hastened to apologize for not going to her, and then to get out of my difficulty, rather meanly turned toward The Pilot, and said: "The Pilot doesn't approve of our visit." "And why not, may I ask?" said Lady Charlotte, lifting her eyebrows. The Pilot's face burned, partly with wrath at me, and partly with embarrassment; for Lady Charlotte had put on her grand air. But he stood to his guns.

Hervey's discovering the truth." "And is it possible," cried Dr. X , "that any woman should be so meanly selfish, as thus to expose the reputation of her friend merely to preserve her own vanity from mortification?" "Hush don't speak so loud," said Belinda, "you will awaken her; and at present she is certainly more an object of pity than of indignation.

She assumed that he understood her, and slowly, slowly, half as the fruit of this mute pressure, he let everything go but the rage of a purpose somehow still to please her. She was giving him a chance to do gallantly what it seemed unworthy of both of them he should do meanly.