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Among the many who had come to look their last upon the Odalisque were men who had made free with her poor name, had been unsparing in their utterance of the truth concerning her and ready to drag her down, and some of these moved away now shamefacedly, but more stayed, and one after another took up the words. "Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea: et a peccato meo munda me."

Daughter, in almost every tale of sin and suffering you will find that there has always been sin on one side and suffering on the other; but in this story all sinned deeply, all suffered fearfully!" "Except yourself, sweet mother. You never sinned," said Salome, taking the thin, pale hand of the lady and pressing it to her lips. "Mea culpa!

"You certainly were lucky, mother," Mea exclaimed passionately. "Yes, and Uncle Philip was lucky, too, to have two such nice friends," Bruno added. "I realize that," the mother answered. "You have no idea, children, how often I have wished that you, too, could have such friends." "Please go on," Kurt begged impatiently. "Where did they go, mother? Doesn't anyone know what has become of them?"

Eructavit cor meum verbum bonum: dico ego opera mea regi. My heart hath uttered a good word: I speak my works to the king. Ps. xliv. 1. It would be about half an hour before the King's dinner-time, which was ten o'clock, that Master Richard came again to the hall.

A sound of chanting had burst forth; the voices in the procession no longer called for the healing of the sick, now that the /cortege/ had extricated itself from amidst the crowd. The miracle had been worked, and they were celebrating it with the full power of their lungs, amidst the pealing of the bells and the quivering gaiety of the atmosphere. "/Magnificat anima mea Dominum/" they began.

Maxa did not need to mind these annoying negotiations now, but calmly replied that the Baron would send his nephew to the high school in the city and would undoubtedly make his own arrangements. Mrs. Knippel, after remarking that her husband counted on seeing the Baron himself, withdrew. A moment after she left Loneli came into the house to see Mea.

She was afraid that Kurt and Mea would leave the little one far behind on account of having been kept too long already, and it happened as she feared. She saw Lippo trudging on behind with an extraordinarily full school-bag on his back. "Can you see what Lippo is carrying?" she asked her brother.

Then I began, "If, madam, you design to be more severe with us, be yet so kind as to dispatch it quickly; for whate'er our offence be, it is not so hainous that we ought to be rack'd to death for it": Upon which her woman, whose name was Psyche, spread a coverlet on the floor, Sollicitavit inguina mea mille iam mortibus frigida.

Kurt is sure to make dozens of songs about her and Mea will be carried away with enthusiasm for her. Lippo will find an affectionate protectress in her who will be able to appreciate his little-recognized virtues. Are you satisfied now?" This speech really had splendid results.

That might mend matters," said Matthew. "Had we but a goose, there should be quills enow." "Men culpa, mea culpa!" cried poor Father Jordan, as though he were at confession, to the excessive amusement of the young men. Norman, who had run upstairs on finding the pen lacking, now returned with one in his hand. "Here is a quill, if your Grace be pleased withal.