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"What aire we goin' ter do with all this yere mazuma?" asked Bud, looking over the stacks of fifties, twenties, tens, and fives that lay on the table around which they were sitting in the living room, and which was flanked by piles of gold and a few hundred-dollar bills. "Can't get it into the bank until day after to-morrow," said Ted.

"This hold-up business seems to be a habit in this section. Second time to-day I've been the victim of it," said the victim easily. "It will be the last," retorted one of the men grimly. "If you're after the mazuma you've struck a poor bank." "You've got your nerve," cried one of the men in a rage; and another demanded: "Where did you get that hawss?"

"Wasn't that a dream about your seeing the Little Brass God?" asked Tommy as they walked along. "Sure not," was the reply, "we both saw it, didn't we?" "Well, whoever told you anything about the Little Brass God?" demanded Sandy. "How did you know there was a Brass God?" "Old Finklebaum told me. He said he'd give me a hundred dollars if I found it, so I started in to earn that mazuma."

"It's your say-so against theirs, that's all. Well, anyway, what's your name, pardner?" "Call me Smoke," said Kit. "Well, Smoke, you'll have a run for your verbal contract just the same. This is a plain sample of what to expect. They can sure shed mazuma, but they can't work, or turn out of bed in the morning. We should have been loaded and started an hour ago. It's you an' me for the big work.

I believe he was a good man. Outside of licking him at school I didn't know him well. I saw her just before I left to come here. She's as fond of me as ever. It's all settled, if only I can connect with the mazuma. And she don't want much, either. Just enough to keep the home together. 'I wish you happiness, I said. 'You can do better than that. You can take me with you to that address.

After the dusty Workmen had manufactured the Product, and the Salesmen had unloaded it, and the Collectors had brought in the Dinero, then Elam had to sit at a Mahogany Desk with a Picture of Claudine in front of him, and figure how much of the hard-earned Mazuma would be doled out to his greedy Employees.

He turned his moccasin to the flame and debated a moment. "Look here, Smoke. It's hundreds of miles to Dawson. If we don't want to freeze in here, we've got to do something. What d'ye say?" Kit looked at him, and waited. "We've got the immortal cinch on them two babes," Shorty expounded. "They can give orders an' shed mazuma, but as you say, they're plum babes.

These nighthawk taxis around here make most of their mazuma by this fly stuff generally the souses ain't got enough left for a taxicab, and it's a waste o' time stickin' 'em up since the rubes are so easy with the taxi meter. But just look out for a little badger work on the chauffeur when ye git through with 'im." Burke nodded. Then he added. "Just keep this to yourself, won't you?

They got them right, with the drop on them, and it was good-by to the mazuma." "Yes, if they have had any warning or if our plans slip a cog anywhere we shall be repulsed to a certainty." By the light of a moon struggling out from behind rolling clouds Bucky read eleven-thirty on his watch when the party reached Agua Negra.

"Husband say, d' ye mean Geoff?" "That's who, Kid. You was crackin' on t' me about wantin' t' make good; well, here's y'r chance. Bud aims t' get there 'bout midnight up th' river, you know so you got two hours. You'll have t' go some t' get in first, but I guess you can do it." "I will if it kills me!" cried Spike, springing toward the door. "Hold on, Kid, you'll need some mazuma, maybe.