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MURIEL: A man who comes from a good family and went to Yale or Harvard or Princeton, and has money and dances well, and all that. MAURY: At last the perfect definition! Cardinal Newman's is now a back number. PARAMORE: I think we ought to look on the question more broad-mindedly. Was it Abraham Lincoln who said that a gentleman is one who never inflicts pain?

I answer thus to those who repeat what I heard retorted here on the Abbé Maury, that nothing is more dangerous than to make martyrs. This danger only exists when you have to strike fanatics in earnest, or men really pious, who believe the scaffold to be the nearest footstool to heaven.

I've been doing a good deal of social-service work. MAURY: Oh! PARAMORE: At present I'm doing service work in Stamford. Only last week some one told me that Anthony Patch lived so near. Then there enter the room in a body ANTHONY, GLORIA, RICHARD CARAMEL, MURIEL KANE, RACHAEL BARNES and RODMAN BARNES, her husband. ANTHONY: Well, I'll be darned. How are you? Mighty glad to see you.

The Abbe Maury, son of a cobbler, and therefore in these days of antitheses orator-in-chief of the party of the Right the Blacks, as those who fought Privilege's losing battles were known was in the tribune. He appeared to be urging the adoption of a two-chambers system framed on the English model.

Simpson went on to say that he had heard about the experience off Maury Island but that he wanted Brown and Davidson to hear it firsthand. He had called the two harbor patrolmen and they were on their way to the hotel. They arrived and they told their story. I'll call these two men Jackson and Richards although these aren't their real names.

It modern reputation, arises from its election of the Abbe Maury for its representative, and for entertaining political principles every way analogous to such a choice. I found the Marquise much altered in her person, and her health much impaired, by the frequent alarms and continual apprehensions she had been subject to at Paris.

"We saw them going towards Maury by the river road." "I did not know that the troops had gone, or were going," she said. "I swear to you, monsieur, if troops have gone to Maury this night, I had nothing to do with their going!" "But they knew what road to take, and how to find my hiding-place. La Chatre knew that." "Alas, it is true!" she moaned, while tears ran down her face. "I sent him word!"

But observation has shown, that though the prevailing lower winds of our latitude move eastward, still their motion is toward the north rather than the south; so that they appear to contradict the theory by which the trade-winds are explained. To account for these anomalies, Lieut. Maury has invented a very ingenious hypothesis, which is published in his "Physical Geography of the Sea."

"He thinks as I do," she said quickly. "He was quite relieved; honestly, dear. He didn't want any homesick woman spoiling his songs for him in South America. And then I suggested Frances Maury in my place. She has a lovely voice, and she'll jump at the chance." "I've never heard her, but I'm sure she can't sing as well as you," he said, with returning gloom. "And it was only for two months."

Would they come again soon? "Oh, yes." Gloria would be awfully sorry! "Good-by " "Good-by " Smiles! Smiles! Bang! Two disconsolate young men walking down the tenth-floor corridor of the Plaza in the direction of the elevator. Behind Maury Noble's attractive indolence, his irrelevance and his easy mockery, lay a surprising and relentless maturity of purpose.