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The three Matzoth Shimmurim used in the Haggadah Service were made with especial care, and in medieval times were denominated Priest, Levite, Israelite, in order to discriminate among them. Picard, by an amusing blunder, speaks of a gateau des levites; he, of course, means the middle cake.

They've cut him up with knives and used his blood in their matzoth." The slanderers were not deterred by the consideration that the Jewish Passover had taken place very much earlier than the running away of Egorka from his mother. The townsmen were agitated those who believed as well as those who did not believe the tale. Demands were made for an investigation and the opening of the grave.

Pour one-half cup of water on one-quarter cup of matzoth meal, add one teaspoon of salt and beat the yolks of four eggs very light, add to the meal mixture, let stand five minutes. Beat whites of eggs very stiffly, fold lightly into the yolk mixture. Drop mixture by spoonfuls in small cakes on hot greased spider. Turn when brown and brown on other side. Serve with sugar, jelly or preserves.

When done put in a pan, sprinkle with sugar and bake in oven. Do not let burn. The same pancakes can be used with meat taken from soup; fry two small onions with a little fat and chop with the meat. Add two eggs, salt and pepper to taste. To every egg add one-half tablespoon of matzoth meal and one tablespoon of sugar.

In the East the Matzoth are still made very thick and unpalatable. They cannot be eaten as they are; they are either softened, by being dipped in some liquid, or they are ground down to meal, and then remade into smaller and more edible cakes. The Talmud mentions a "stamp" in connection with "shaped cakes," which Buxtorf takes for Lebkuchen, and Levy for scalloped and fancifully-edged cakes.

Take a pound of chopped meat, add grated onion, an egg, matzoth flour, white pepper, mix and form into small balls, put in pot with one-half cup of water, fat, sugar, a quarter cup of large black raisins, a few slices of lemon and let stew one-half hour, then thicken gravy with tablespoon of flour browned in a tablespoon of fat and serve.

Next door they were baking Matzoth in an oven fed by a wood fire. It was a few days before Passover. The Matzoth were coarse, and had none of the little holes with which we are familiar. So through streets within streets, dirt within dirt, room over room, in hopeless intricacy.

Serve matzoth kleis in place of potatoes and garnish with minced onions browned in three tablespoons of fat. All matzoth meal and matzoth kleis are lighter if made a few hours before required and put in the ice-chest until ready to boil. When used as a vegetable make the balls considerably larger than for soup. MATZOTH KLEIS, No. 2

Now stir in the matzoth meal and make into a paste with chicken fat or clarified dripping. Form this paste into small balls and boil them for twenty minutes in the Yom-tov soup. Three pounds of Jerusalem artichokes, two quarts of stock, one onion, one turnip, one head of celery, pepper and salt to taste.

Add one-eighth teaspoon of salt to two eggs, beat slightly, stir in two tablespoons of matzoth meal. Heat a little fat in spider, pour in egg mixture; when cooked on one side turn on the other. Roll the pancake and cut into noodles one-eighth inch wide. Drop into boiling soup before serving. One tablespoon marrow creamed.