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"At any rate," continued Hargrave, "you know where you got it." "Right," replied the Baronet. "I know where I got it." He took three newspapers out of the pocket of his big tweed coat. "There it is," he said, "in the personal column of three newspapers today's Times printed in London; the Matin printed in Paris; and a Dutch daily printed in Amsterdam."

"For the posies are a-bloomin' and the mockin'-birds are matin', And somewhere in Arizona there's a Chola girl a-waitin' For to cook them enchiladas while I do the irrigatin' On me little desert homestead over there. "While I'm ridin' slow and easy . . ." "Whoa! Wonder what that is? Never seen one of them things before. 'T ain't a lizard, but he looks like his pa was a lizard.

And the anonymous writer in the "Matin" added in this article which I have selected as the most interesting of all those that were published on the subject of this affair that the examining magistrate appeared to place a peculiar significance to the last sentence: "One must really believe in the Devil, as Jacques says."

The dry cackle of the apprentice as he looked after Guida roused a mockery of indignation in the Master. "Sacre matin, a back-hander on the jaw'd do you good, slubberdegullion you! Ah, get go scrub the coffin blacking from your jowl!" he rasped out with furious contempt. The apprentice seemed not to hear, but kept on looking after Guida, a pitiless leer on his face.

For just sixty years since his first gay and tender note was heard, Holmes has been fulfilling the promise of his matin song. He has become a patriarch of our literature, and all his countrymen are his lovers. Forty years ago, upon a pleasant afternoon, you might have seen tripping with an elastic step along Broadway, in New York, a figure which even then would have been called quaint.

The "Matin," among others, published the following article, entitled: "A Supernatural Crime": "These are the only details," wrote the anonymous writer in the "Matin" "we have been able to obtain concerning the crime of the Chateau du Glandier.

Instead of the monk's familiar voice on the river banks we are to hear the shouts of strange warriors from a far-off country; and for matin hymn and vesper song, we are to be beset through a long and stormy period, with sounds of strife and terror, and deadly conflict.

Le lendemain matin,

Next morning's "Matin" announced that King Alexis was greatly annoyed by the mischievous and utterly unfounded canard that bracketed his name with that of a woman he had never seen. Count Julius read, and made a hasty toilet. Beliani and he had laid their plans overnight, and he lost no time in opening the new campaign. It was a difficult and delicate task he had undertaken.

When growing thus in groves the palms are very beautiful, their towering crests waving in unison as they seem to form an immense natural temple, about which vines and creepers wreath their graceful tendrils, while birds of varied plumage sing their matin and vesper songs, plucking meanwhile the golden fruit that grows in clusters at the very summit of the tree.