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Matilde hated the place for its appalling gloominess and wild scenery, and Veronica, to whom it now belonged, had never seen it at all. It had the reputation of being haunted by all manner of ghosts and goblins, and during the first ten years following the Italian annexation of Naples, the surrounding mountains had been infested by outlaws and brigands.

"Then say that you will marry Veronica, and save us all, and bring peace into the house for my sake, Bosio for me!" She leaned forward, and her hands met upon her knee in something like a gesture of supplication, while she sought his eyes. "For your sake," repeated Bosio, dreamily. "For your sake? But you ask the impossible, Matilde. Besides, she would not marry me. She would laugh at the idea.

As she bent down, Matilde took her handkerchief quietly from her pocket and laid it quite naturally in her lap. Veronica, being on the other side of the table and the urn, could not possibly see what she did. Gregorio came in. Elettra had opened the door from without, for him to pass. She stood on the threshold a moment, and looked towards the table, to see whether anything had been forgotten.

Y éste me parece además muy buen sujeto. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Oh, muy bueno!... ¡Si viera usted la ley que nos tiene ... y lo que le queremos todos! ¡Pobre Bruno! Cuando estuvo el invierno pasado tan malo, ni un instante me separé yo de la cabecera de su cama. DON EDUARDO. Con qué gusto oigo a usted eso, ¡Matilde mía!

Then, with the impulse of a man escaping from something which he is not strong enough to face, he reached the door in two quick strides, and went out without looking back. Matilde watched the door, as it closed, and stood still a few seconds before she left the room. Her eyes wandered to the clock, and she saw that it was nearly midnight.

DON PEDRO. Cien veces más, con el vizconde del Relámpago, un caballero andaluz, maestrante de la de Ronda ... con no cuántos millares de pinares, pegujares y lagares ... hombre muy bien nacido, y que yo.... DON PEDRO. Ven, hija mía, y nos dirás si.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Ah!

MARQUESA. Así, Nicolasa, baje usted y le haré dar los cuarenta duros ... adiós, Matilde, ya nos veremos ... ya te avisaré alguna vez cuando esté sola ... y diré que te suban entretanto las camisas. DOÑA MATILDE. No, Clementina, no ... te lo agradezco ... pero no tengo tiempo ahora. MARQUESA. Como quieras ... por ti lo hacía ... mas si lo tienes a menos.... ¡Pobrecilla, me da mucha lástima!

Those of Gregorio and Matilde had disappeared. She hesitated, as she held the picture in her hand, as to whether she should keep it in her bedroom, or in the sitting-room, in which she meant chiefly to live, and she looked at it with sad eyes. She decided that it should be in the sitting-room. Where everything was hers, she had a right to show what had been all but quite hers at the last.

DOÑA MATILDE. Qué desatino ... no ves que me desarmaría si te las diera.... Lo que haré será guardarlas en donde las guardaba antes, para el caso en que intentes todavía venderme. BRUNO. ¡Paciencia! Ojalá viniera. DOÑA MATILDE. Que cuides de que no haya luz.... BRUNO. En soplando las que están encendidas.... DOÑA MATILDE. Y que la reja esté abierta para cuando yo vuelva.

Let us go home, Matilde, since it is over." "It is of no use to go on acting insanity before me," answered Matilde, with a bitter sigh, as she raised her face from her hands and moved away from the fireplace, not looking at him. "That is the reason why Pulcinella's wife disappeared so suddenly," he replied. "You see, there are two pieces which the marionettes act.