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Finally, the fly-coach once more received us all, all but poor Blanche, and we looked round and missed her. Alma Mater! Alma Mater! New-fashioned folks, with their large theories of education, may find fault with thee.

Why, Jenkins says you're the best pupil he's ever had. Why didn't you? Don't you like us?" "Of course I do." "The mater says you're married, and married men have no time to bother about other people's kids. Is that true?" "Well, of course there's a lot to be done in London, and I go to business every day." "You've got a kid, haven't you?" "Yes!" "It's a boy, isn't it?" "Yes."

We were first of all fuguists and contrapuntists; but after the 'Stabat Mater' of Rossini we felt the attraction of theatrical melody so strongly that we have never wished to taste a fresh dish.

She seemed to think it soothed her. She would play some now and soothe her mother and Alaric. She began an impassioned movement which she played evenly and correctly, and without any unseemly force. Alaric cried out distractedly: "For goodness' sake stop that, Ethel! Haven't you got any feelings? Can't you see how upset the mater is? And I am? Stop it. There's a dear!

I think the students felt a sort of clannish pride when one of their number enlisted and thought that the alma mater was doing the correct and patriotic thing in sending her sons into the army. It was plainly to be seen that many of them were holding back unwillingly. Indeed, it was not long till some of them dropped their studies abruptly and followed the example of those who had already gone.

Maxine rose to meet him. She read both good and bad news in his face. "The operation has been successful, but there is great weakness." He rolled an armchair for her to sit down, and then he told her as much as she could understand. Thénard had found a slight depression of the inner table of the skull, and some congestion and thickening of the dura mater. It all dated from the accident.

This fine genius, without anything to show for it or any title beyond George's courtesy, without even a name, and Barbour and Douglas and Blind Harry now are the predominant sounds in George's pia mater, and their buzzings exclude politics, criticism, and algebra, the late lords of that illustrious lumber-room.

Apparently unconscious of Gilbert's presence, the lady stepped within the recess and knelt before a statue of the Mater Dolorosa; the youth was awed and abashed: he began to consider his daring adventure an unwarrantable intrusion; he meditating kissing the hem of her garment and retiring with all his love unspoken.

"Do you mean you would like to be a laborer's mother, mater, with all sorts of annoying economies to practice, and all sorts of inconveniences to contend with?" "Yes, perhaps I would!" her mother laughed defiantly. "I can see you've had another letter from California," said Cornelia, pleasantly, after a puzzled moment. "You are still a pioneer in spite of the ten generations, mater.

The preamble of the Association makes this clear when it says: "Remembering the benefits we have received from our alma mater, we desire to extend the helpful associations of student life, and to maintain such relations to the college that we may efficiently aid in her upbuilding and strengthening, to the end that her usefulness may continually increase."