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For various reasons, bathing in very warm water should be very limited, and then only for cleansing. In hygienic instructions to children, avoid giving them any ideas concerning the supposed prevalence of the habit of masturbation. There is a dangerous tendency to follow the crowd. Also, the habit should never be described to children except as "unnecessary handling of the sex organs."

If this is true, it must be evident that excessive sexual indulgence or masturbation can draw away from the system this precious vital substance that is necessary to produce or maintain the virility. It cannot be assumed that the condition of virility once attained will necessarily always continue it must be maintained.

Of course that relationship exists, but more often, in my experience, the alcohol is used to keep up the "ego" feeling, without which few can bear life. Curiously enough, one of the sex perversions, masturbation, has in a few cases a similar genesis. I have known patients who, when under the influence of depression, or humiliated in some way or other, found a compensating pleasure in the act.

Pleasurable sensations are experienced and then comes masturbation a sin chargeable to the parent for not having given the matter proper medical attention. "Repeated washings" will no more cure these cases in little girls than, as shown above, will they cure in little boys. All these are but the outcropping of some constitutional affection and should be treated accordingly.

It is not uncommon for needles, hair-pins, and the like to form nuclei for incrustations. Gross found three caudal vertebrae of a squirrel in the center of a vesical calculus taken from the bladder of a man of thirty-five. It was afterward elicited that the patient had practiced urethral masturbation with the tail of this animal.

A young woman from South Carolina wrote me, "A few years ago I taught school and one of my pupils, perfectly innocent of the grave results that would befall her, committed three outrages upon herself, what is known in the medical world as masturbation or self-abuse. The girl, as I know, was chaste and a sweeter, nicer, brighter pupil I never taught.

Masturbation, and the fear that by an occasional and perhaps outgrown practice of masturbation they have sometimes done themselves irreparable injury, is a common source of anxiety to boys. It has long been a question whether a boy should be warned against masturbation.

Must not this hand, which causes this "horrible suffering" to the youth who had never yet known trouble, have touched his genitals? Behind this perhaps, moreover, are very early memories of the care bestowed upon the nursing infant and the child. One may also think of the fear of castration, associated with the threats of parents so very frequently made when children practice masturbation.

In the light of these facts every normal man would admit that frequent masturbation or excessive sexual intercourse, in wedlock or out, should certainly not be recommended as a method of developing the sexual apparatus. Most men, however, raise the question: "Is any indulgence or any artificial means for satisfying the sexual inclination to be discouraged?"

Impotence from mental and moral causes often takes place. Persons of highly nervous organization may suffer incapacity in their sexual organs. The remedy for these difficulties is rest and change of occupation. REMEDIES IN CASE OF IMPOTENCE ON ACCOUNT OF FORMER PRIVATE DISEASES, OR MASTURBATION, OR OTHER CAUSES. First build up the body by taking some good stimulating tonics.