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Th' monarch's mind turned to th' subjick iv war an' he says to himsilf: 'What a dhreadful thing it is that such a beautiful wurruld shud be marred be thousands iv innocint men bein' sint out to shoot each other f'r no cause whin they might betther stay at home an' wurruk f'r their rile masthers, he says.

The man was quite unconscious that there was anything objectionable in the dreadful food, and offered it to "the masthers" with perfect grace, and without the slightest pang at the costliness of the banquet. He had given the best and only meat he had to his guests. Like the Italian gentleman with his falcon, or rather the Arab sheik with his horse, who, my friend Mr.

The clause ran as follows: "N.B. The two last masthers that was hanged out of Findramore, that is, Mickey Corrigan, who was hanged for killing the Aagent, and Jem Garraghty, that died of a declension Jem died in consequence of ill-health, and Mickey was hanged contrary to his own wishes; so that it wasn't either of their faults as witness our hands this 207th of July.

A few av thoze thet survived, settled on the oisland, an' soon had foine homes on its fertile soil. They found only a few nager inhabitants, an' shure they tuk thim fur servants. Me parents were among the survivors from the ship an' Oi wuz born about a year afther the wreck. As toime went on, the nagers gradually acquired the accent of their masthers.

"What can this impudence mean, sirra?" asked the other, sadly puzzled to understand his conduct. "Why do you not reply to me? Did the lady send an answer?" "Most fortunate of all masthers," replied Dandy, "in havin' such a servant; the lady did send an answer." "And where is it, sirra?"

'What naytionalties do ye hire? says I. 'I've thried thim all, he says, 'an', he says, 'I'll say this in shame, he says, 'that th' Irish ar-re th' worst, he says. 'Well, says I, 'ye need have no shame, I says, 'f'r'tis on'y th' people that ar-re good servants that'll niver be masthers, I says. 'Th' Irish ar-re no good as servants because they ar-re too good, I says.

Bill had already hinted at the prospective peril of a encounter with the people of the country. "Tell us, Bill. What is it?" "Well, young masthers, it beant much, only that my own brother was wrecked some 'ere on this same coast. That was ten years agone. He never returned to owld Hingland." "Perhaps he was drowned?" "Betther for 'im, poor boy, if he 'ad. No, he 'adn't that luck.

'Lave, indeed! exclaimed the republican-minded Mrs. M'Donagh; 'it's I that wud be afther askin lave in a free counthry! Why, we've no masthers nor missusses here at all. 'Hut, woman, but they're my fostherers the young Mr. Wynns of Dunore. Great had been that name among the peasantry once; and even yet it had not lost its prestige with the transplanted Pat M'Donagh.

'That's Andy Callaghan's voice, said Arthur. 'Let me down, will ye, to see the young masthers? came muffled through the doors and partition. 'Look here, now, in a coaxing tone, 'I don't like to be cross; but though I'm so bad afther the sickness, I'd set ye back in your little hole there at the fut of the stairs as aisy as I'd put a snail in its shell.

Tim, like a brave fellow, grasped his shillelagh to defend himself against the supposed banditti; but just then discovering us, he threw it down, shouting out, "Erin-go-bragh! shure it's the young masthers; and a welcome sight they are to me." We were soon grasping Tim's hand, and inquiring how it was he had been so long in reaching us.