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More and more Virginians were inclined to find out, foreseeing that they would need room for their growing population. Continuously came in folk from the Old Country, and continuously Virginians were born. Maryland dwelt to the north, Carolina to the south. Virginia, seeking space, must begin to grow westward.

The proprietor could appoint or dismiss the governor, he could invest him with the power to convene a legislature, with power to veto its acts according to his wishes, and to perform all other powers of a governor. All laws made, those of Maryland excepted, were subject to the approval of the English Crown.

GARNETT, H.H. The Past and Present Condition and the Destiny of the Colored Race. GOODLOE, D.R. The Southern Platform. GRÉGOIRE, BISHOP. De la Littêrature des Nègres. HARRISON, SAMUEL ALEXANDER. Wenlock Christison, and the Early Friends in Talbot County, Maryland. A Paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, March 9, 1874. HENSON, JOSIAH. The Life of Josiah Henson.

"The people of Maryland," he said, "had never asked that the harbor of Baltimore should be cleaned at the expense of the people of Georgia. They did not ask that other people should pay their burdens. They came here and asked the privilege of taxing their own commerce for their own benefit, and we granted it.

Are they to be left to the mercy of such legislation as that of Mississippi, to such laws as exist in Texas, to such practices as are tolerated in Maryland and in Kentucky? Sir, I think some protection is necessary for them, and that was the object of this bureau.

Jefferson's opposition, however, proved unavailing, and the banking institution which was created continued till 1811 without its validity being once tested in the courts. The second Bank of the United States, whose branch Maryland was now trying to tax, received its charter in 1816 from President Madison.

Then he caught sight of a clock on a church steeple twenty-five minutes of eight. "That means a fearful hustle," he muttered, and went ahead under such steam that he all but panted. At last he came to the Maryland House, opposite the State Capitol grounds. Into the office of the hotel he darted, going straight up to the desk.

Perhaps this change of tone may have had some connection with the recent change on the throne, in which the accession of a Catholic monarch may have given new courage to Maryland, and abated somewhat the confidence of Virginia. If so, it was but a transitory hope, born to a sad disappointment. The documents afford but little more information.

That was a step ten years backward; and Maryland should be ashamed of it! The list of things that Maryland must do in order to clear her record is a long one. Here it is: Local regulations should be replaced by a uniform state law. The sale of all native wild game should be stopped. Spring and late winter shooting of game should be stopped.

My retrograde move from Strasburg to Halltown caused considerable alarm in the North, as the public was ignorant of the reasons for it; and in the excited state of mind then prevailing, it was generally expected that the reinforced Confederate army would again cross the Potomac, ravage Maryland and Pennsylvania, and possibly capture Washington.