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"Such are the wonders of chemistry suggesting Emerson's claim, 'Thought sets men free. By a simple process flame applied to metal filings prison bars melt and vaulted dungeons flow like water." The article closes with this wonderful paragraph: "By chemistry the pale-faced modern Faust, working in his laboratory, makes metals out of clay and many marvellous combinations.

Gordon's marvellous qualities were to extricate them from the difficult position in which the shortcomings of the Egyptian Government had placed them, and beyond that they had no definite thought or care as to how the remedy was to be discovered and applied.

At eight o'clock the engine drew out, pulling after it a dozen box-cars laden with stock and household goods, and on the roof of a freight caboose, together with several other young Jasons, I rode, bound for the valley of the James. It was a marvellous adventure. All the morning we rattled and rumbled along, our engine snorting with effort, struggling with a load almost too great for its strength.

Challoner! Diana thanks you!" The conversation now became general, and turned, among other subjects, upon the growing reputation of Raffaello Cellini. "What surprises me in that young man," said Colonel Everard, "is his colouring. It is simply marvellous.

But that marvellous story, or rather study, has been blunted in my knowledge of this tiny face with the fine masses of hair drawn up from the neck and arranged elaborately on the crown. There is no fear of plagiary; he cannot have said all; he cannot have said what I want to say.

Every small detail of ease, which might have made her nervous, merged with the others in a marvellous contentment because she was with Keith, cut off from the world, happy and at peace. If she sighed, it was because her heart was full. But she had forgotten the rest of the evening, her shabbiness, every care that troubled her normal days.

And a cry of hatred arose from all the humble ones, all the disinherited ones who had as much need of the Marvellous as of bread to live!

There, accordingly, the chief men assembled, while the occasion brought together a vast multitude of men, women, and children, who were in expectation of some marvellous deliverance. Three days elapsed, and Hiawatha did not appear.

I smiled at his subtle flattery; possibly it was only meant in payment of the rum I had treated him to, but it pleased me none the less, and to his other mental traits I was now inclined to add a marvellous skill in reading character. After a while he invited me to spend the night under his roof.

It would take them a day or two, no doubt, to adjust themselves to the new situation, and then, if the millionaire was still showing signs of surviving, they would burst forth into praise of the marvellous young surgeon who had startled the entire world by his performance! In the meantime, there was still a chance that Mr. Marraville might die, so it was better to hesitate and be on the safe side.