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"And nought shall part us now save death and that but for a little while! Dost curse thyself, Martino dost curse thyself for saving me from the fire? But for this I had been dead and thou safe with thy loved Joan dost curse thyself?" "Nay, of what avail?" "Tell me," cried Joanna, reaching out to nip my leg 'twixt petulant fingers, "why must you brave the fire to save me you do so hate tell me?"

A disciple of Jacopo was Matteo, a sculptor of Lucca, who made the little octagonal temple of marble in the Church of S. Martino in his own city, in the year 1444, for Domenico Galigano of Lucca wherein there is the image of the Holy Cross, a piece of sculpture miraculously wrought, so it is said, by Nicodemus, one of the seventy-two disciples of the Saviour; which temple is truly nothing if not very beautiful and well-proportioned.

The monks of S. Pietro at Murano did not hasten to claim their picture, but sent two friars to negotiate about the price; they failed to agree, and the work is now in the Church of S. Romano in Lucca. Lucca has another exquisite picture of the same year in the Cathedral of S. Martino, a Madonna and Child a lovely ideal of joyful infancy beneath a veil suspended above her head by two angels.

But when Giovan Francesco became old, he began gradually to lose his mastery over art, as may be seen from the organ-doors in S. Maria della Scala, from the panel-picture of the Movi family, wherein is a Deposition from the Cross, and from the Chapel of S. Martino in S. Anastasia.

S. Zaccaria at Venice was built by Martino in 1456, and the Scuola di S. Marco in 1485. Pietro was engaged on the Madonna dei Miracoli in 1483. So that Giorgio's work antedates theirs by some years. He had numerous pupils, whose names have been recorded; the other workmen came from Durazzo, Curzola, and Spalato.

"Nay, grieve not, Resolution dear friend!" she murmured painfully. "For oh, 'tis a good thing to die by your hand and with such reason! Martino, when you shall wed your Joan Damaris, say I gave you to her with my life because I loved you better than life and Death had no fears. I go back to life a better life where I shall find you one day, Martino, and learn what happiness is like mayhap.

He sent for Martino and bade him return the Count his sword, and he entrusted the message of exile to Fabrizio da Lodi, charging him to apprise Francesco that he was allowed twenty-four hours' grace in which to take himself beyond the dominions of Gian Maria Sforza.

I was busy revictualling and refitting, and reorganising my squadron, when M. de Martino sent word that Muley Abdurrahman was sueing for peace, and had given Sidi Bousselam full powers for the purpose. There was a regular congress of diplomats at Cadiz.

Serried breast to breast and in complete order, the horsemen of Martino turned to fly; the foot rabble who had come for spoil remained but for slaughter.

Can you not pity me a little, yes?" "Aye, I do pity you!" quoth I, on impulse. "And pity is kin to love, Martino! And I can be patient, patient, yes!" "'Twere vain!" said I. At this she loosed me and uttering a desolate cry, cast herself face down upon her couch. "Be yourself," said I, spurning the dagger into a corner; "rather would I have your scorn and hate than tears "