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'Do you suppose Miss Martindale liked to sit among the nettles on old Farmer Middleton's tombstone? 'No. 'Why did she do it then? Was it to plague you? 'Cause I wouldn't say my hymn. 'I wonder if it is not you that have been plaguing Miss Martindale all the time. Eh?

Martindale would have begun the world without one table-cloth, if old Aunt Moss had not been hemming for them ever since the day of Arthur's proposal. Theodora was weary and impatient of the conflict of influence, and glad to be left to her own pursuits, while she thought that, alone with Violet, Arthur must surely be brought to a sense of his mistake.

Stiffness and formality seemed to have vanished with the state rooms; and there was no longer the circle on company terms, for Lady Martindale herself was almost easy, and Theodora's words, though few, were devoid of the sullen dignity of old times.

'We came on the 20th of April, and this is the 3rd of June. What a difference it has made in you! 'And in you; Ventnor is a grand doctor. 'And Johnnie is really beginning to have a colour. How pleased his grandpapa will be to see him so much stronger and more spirited. I do not think Lord Martindale could have done anything kinder by us than sending us here. 'How does the purse hold out?

Lady Martindale was too unwell to leave home, but Theodora was thankful to her father for deciding that her presence was necessary for Violet's sake; indeed, as they travelled in doubt and suspense, and she was continually reminded of that hurried journey when her unchastened temper had been the torment of herself and of her brother, she felt it an undeserved privilege to be allowed to go to him at all.

Mind the claim is sent in; and again he strove to explain, while she entreated him to put such things out of his mind; and it ended in such violent coughing, that Lord Martindale heard, came in, and with a look that told her how ill she managed, sent her to bed, where she vexed herself for hours at Arthur's seeming to dwell only on his gaming debts, instead of on what she longed to see occupying his mind.

I could give you £200, said Lady Martindale, who had as little idea of the value of money as any lady in her Majesty's dominions. 'I must have that dear little girl in the country. Pray take her to Ventnor. How much shall I give you? Much surprised, and more touched, Violet, however, could not accept the offer.

But what's all this?" "You make your little talk," said Merchant, "and then I'll make mine." "I'm after Andy Lanning. He's left a gent more dead than alive back in Martindale, and I want him. Can you give me fresh horses for me and my boys, Merchant?" "But the man wasn't dead? He wasn't dead?" cried the voice of a girl.

Martindale, and was able to ask the name of her new acquaintance. 'Miss Brandon, you mean. 'O no, not Miss Brandon, but that light pale girl in the lilac worked muslin, who was talking to me! 'I saw you talking to Miss Brandon. 'Could it be? She looked all astray and frightened, like me! 'That description answers to Emma Brandon, said John, smiling. 'Who would have thought it!

Nesbit, at the first glance, called them common flowers, and shoved them away contemptuously, while Lady Martindale tried to repair the discourtesy by condescending thanks and admiration of the neat drying of the specimens; but her stateliness caused Violet to feel herself sinking into the hesitating tremulous girl she used to be, and she betook herself to her work, hoping to be left to silence; but she was molested by a very sharp, unpleasant examination from Mrs.