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He dun wen to de war an' runs 'way frum Harpers Ferry an' cum home jes' sceered to death. He get himsef a pah o' crutches an' neber goes back. Marse John dun used dem crutches 'til aftah de war wuz ovah. Den der wuz ol' Missy Kimberton de gran'muthah. She wuz 'culiar but prutty good, so wuz Marse's chilluns." "Ol' Marse John had bout 20 slaves so de wurk wuzn't so bad on nun ob us.

When Cap stole out, mounted her horse and rode away, in five minutes from the moment of starting she heard a horse's hoofs behind her, and presently saw Wool gallop to her side. At first Cap bore this good-humoredly enough, only saying: "Go home, Wool, I don't want you; I had much rather ride alone." To which the groom replied: "It is old marse's orders, miss, as I should wait on you."

When Cap stole out, mounted her horse and rode away, in five minutes from the moment of starting she heard a horse's hoofs behind her, and presently saw Wool gallop to her side. At first Cap bore this good-humoredly enough, only saying: "Go home, Wool, I don't want you; I had much rather ride alone." To which the groom replied: "It is old marse's orders, miss, as I should wait on you."

The "new Mistis" had "changed the house around some," he explained, apologetically, and "Marse's Eddie's" things had been moved to one of the servants' rooms, but "Marse Eddie's" old room was a guest chamber, and he "reckoned" that would be the place to take the bag. The visitor's whole manner changed at once froze. The flush of pleasure died out of his face and left it pale, cold and stern.

Didn't know much about what meat was yet. They would give the little bits of children pot liquor. That's the most I ever seed them git. Of course I was treated differently. You couldn't judge them by me. I was the only half-white youngun round there, and they said I was half-brother to ol Marse's chillun.

"I 'members of no sich since dat same storm as de debbil come in to fetch ole marse's soul dis berry night seven year past, an' he carried of him off all in a suddint whiff! jist like a puff of win'. An' no wonder, seein' how he done traded his soul to him for money!