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Mine is Muir Richard Muir." "And mine is Maria Yuste." He offered her his brown hand. "I'm right happy to meet you, Señorita Maria." "Welcome to the Yuste hacienda, señor. What is ours is yours, so long as you are our guest. I pray you make yourself at home," she said as they rode into the courtyard.

But I shall repay you, Madonna," he protested and truly meant it, though not in the sense it seemed. A week passed peacefully at Roccaleone; so peacefully that it was difficult to conceive that out there in the plain sat Gian Maria with his five-score men besieging them.

In this shrine she was known as Juno Moneta, and since, attached to her temple in this citadel, was the office of the Roman coinage, her name Moneta has become familiar to modern mouths in the form of "the Mint." If you seek the place of this temple now, you must look for it under the Church of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli.

They never left his bed-side then for days and nights, that new-found son and daughter: physicians came, and recommended that the knight be quite alone, quite undisturbed: but Sir Thomas would not, could not it were cruelty to force it; so he lay feebly on his back, holding on either side the hands of Henry and Maria.

We now began to dream of beds of roses, but we were mistaken: we were crying before we were out of the wood. We arrived at the Hof the following afternoon with our bag and baggage, and found Moidel, otherwise Maria, busily preparing the newly-erected bed in the state-room.

Shake hands, dear; good-bye till the morning. Sarah Maria, you needn't show up no more of the 'continual readers, for I believe I have made a bargain with this young lady." "Oh, Miss Primrose!" said poor Poppy, as she showed her out, "I am more than thankful that you are coming here, miss that's for my sake, miss, though I'm dreadful afraid you'll suffer yourself.

"Well," said Constance. "I don't know exactly what they call it. It's a French dog, one of those French dogs." Amy was lingering at the stairfoot. "Good night, Amy, thank you." Amy ascended, shutting the door. "Oh! I see!" Maria muttered. "Well, I never!" It was ten o'clock before sounds above indicated that the first interview between trustee and beneficiary was finished.

"Isn't it splendid to have vacation come?" said one of the bigger girls. "What are you all going to do? We're going to the seaside." "Pa says he'll take Susie and me to Niagara," said Maria. "I'm going to make my aunt a visit," said Alice Blair. What are you going to do, Katy?"

The shadow of a great evil, of a secret anguish, still divided them, and it was this that gave to their embraces the sorrowful passion which he drew from her despairing kiss. "You cannot love me, Maria. How can it be true?" Releasing herself, she put her hand upon his lips to silence him.

Yet it was characteristic of the man that he had not chosen suicide as a means of escape, as he would have done in his earlier years, if Maria Addolorata had failed him. It seemed cowardly now, and he had never done anything cowardly in his life. Through his grief the sense of responsibility had remained with him, and had kept him alive.