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Did she labor under the distressing delusion that he proposed to shed his blood on behalf of a deposed monarch to whom he had never been introduced? Maraquita's next remarks made the matter clear. "I have told them," she said, "that you love me, that you are willing to risk everything for my sake. I have promised them that you, the rich Senor Bleke, will supply the funds for the revolution.

Which was all very well, but hardly satisfactory as a business chat. However, that was all Roland could get out of her. The next few days passed for Roland in a sort of dream. It was the kind of dream which it is not easy to distinguish from a nightmare. Maraquita's reticence at the supper-party on the subject of details connected with the financial side of revolutions entirely disappeared.

But, if the others once had cause to suspect that your resolve was failing ah! If Bombito " Roland took her point. He had forgotten Bombito for the moment. "For goodness' sake," he said hastily, "don't go saying anything to Bombito to give him the idea that I'm trying to back out. Of course you can rely on me, and all that. That's all right." Maraquita's gaze softened.

Maraquita scanned his face keenly. "You are not weakening, Roland?" she said. "You would not betray us now?" "Well, of course, I don't know about betraying, you know, but still . What I mean is " Maraquita's eyes seemed to shoot forth two flames. "Take care," she cried. "With me it is nothing, for I know that your heart is with Paranoya.

There was an air of unusual excitement in Maraquita's manner at their next meeting. "We have been in communication with Him," she whispered. "He will receive you. He will give an audience to the Savior of Paranoya." "Eh? Who will?" "Our beloved Alejandro. He wishes to see his faithful servant. We are to go to him at once." "Where?" "At his own house. He will receive you in person."

"And now," said the Senorita, throwing a cloak about her shoulders, "you come away with me to my house. My friends are there awaiting us. They will be glad and proud to meet you." After his first inspection of the house and the friends, Roland came to the conclusion that he preferred Maraquita's room to her company. The former was large and airy, the latter, with one exception, small and hairy.

She was guilty of it, her proud and haughty mother had destined Maraquita to be the bride of a wealthy grandee of old Spain had disposed of those affections, no longer in Maraquita's power to give, for they had already been transferred with all the other treasures of a young and loving heart, to the keeping of a dark-eyed youth of Manilla.