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The hygienic map of a State is quite as valuable as its geological map, and it is the business of every practising physician to know it thoroughly. They understand this in England, and send a patient with a dry irritating cough to Torquay or Penzance, while they send another with relaxed bronchial membranes to Clifton or Brighton. Here is another great field for practical study.

My endeavors to find my quondam friends had been so absorbing that things above my line of vision were not observed, when suddenly the bright moonlight revealed to my astonished eyes a lofty city apparently suspended in the heavens. By the aid of a candle and my map I discovered that the city and fortifications of Vicksburgh were close at hand, and that it was four o'clock in the morning.

As they went Anthony pulled out and studied the letter and the little map that Mrs. Kirke had sent to guide them. "On the right-hand side," she wrote, "when you come to the ferry, stands a little inn, the 'Sloop, among trees, with a yard behind it. Mr. Bender, the host, is one of us; and he will get your horses on board, and do all things to forward you without attracting attention.

After the death of Columbus, the Indians were no longer treated with gentleness, for it was his defence of the property and lives of these harmless natives that brought down upon his head such bitter hatred. You will now look into your map and follow Columbus in some of his discoveries.

"Why, Saskatoun," says she, without battin' an eyelash. "Oh, all right, if you don't want to tell," says I. "But I have told you," says she. "Saskatoun." "Is it a new hair tonic, or what?" says I. "It's a city," says she. "One of the largest in British Columbia." "Think of that!" says I. "They don't care how they mess up the map these days, do they? And your folks live there?"

A key to them is published by the War Department, and is called "Conventional Signs, United States Army." From these you read at once the natural and artificial features of the country shown on your map. It should be borne in mind that these conventional signs are not necessarily drawn to scale, as are the distances. They show the position and outline of the features rather than the size.

Singly and silently did these men advance, peeping over every wall, making every bank a cover, and killing or wounding at almost every shot; while the citizens were crouching in confused groups, and as a man of the group fell from the unseen shot, the rest ran away, fired on from ten to twelve points, and thus dispersed. On all this I looked as upon a map.

Most of these cities sprang up full-grown; not seldom their first citizens were the discharged Macedonian soldiery of the armies of Alexander and his successors. The map of Turkey in Asia is full of them. They are easily recognized by their names, which were often taken from those of Alexander and his generals and successors, their wives, daughters, and relatives.

The rock walls rose sheer and black, with clumps of cedar and stunted pine growing at their feet. Farther on the space between the mountains became wider, and the river reached out on either side, frothing and beating itself into white fury in a chaos of slippery water-worn rocks. Down there somewhere was the golden treasure they had come to seek, unless the map lied!

To compare a fifty-years-old map of Africa with one of the present day will a little enable us to estimate the advances made in our acquaintance with the Dark Continent alone; similar maps including the Polar regions of North America will testify also to a large increase of hard-won knowledge. Exploration Arctic, African, Oriental and Occidental has had its heroic devotees, sometimes its martyrs.