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Sisson plays for the public," said the Marchesa, "he must not do it for charity. He must have the proper fee." "No, I don't want it," said Aaron. "But you must earn money, mustn't you?" said she. "I must," said Aaron. "But I can do it somewhere else." "No. If you play for the public, you must have your earnings. When you play for me, it is different." "Of course," said Manfredi.

Even as early as this there was talk of finding a suitable husband for Giulia's little daughter. The cardinal unfolded his idea to Lorenzo. Piero de' Medici wished to give his own daughter to the youthful Astorre Manfredi of Faenza, but Farnese desired to bring about an alliance between Astorre and Giulia's daughter.

Manfredi gave Dante a message to his daughter Costanza, queen of Arragon, begging her to shorten the consequences of the excommunication by her prayers; since he, like the rest of the party with him, though repenting of his contumacy against the church, would have to wander on the outskirts of Purgatory three times as long as the presumption had lasted, unless relieved by such petitions from the living.

The commission decided not to award the first prize, but honored the Italian architects Giuseppi Sacconi and Manfredo Manfredi, and the German Bruno Schmitz, with a prize of $2,000 each; and requested them to enter into another competition and deliver their models within four months, so as to enable the commission to come to a final decision.

On the road from Perugia to Cortona, the first stage ends at La Magione, a high hill-village commanding the passage from the Umbrian champaign to the lake of Thrasymene. It has a grim square fortalice above it, now in ruins, and a stately castle to the south-east, built about the time of Braccio. Here took place that famous diet of Cesare Borgia's enemies, when the son of Alexander VI. was threatening Bologna with his arms, and bidding fair to make himself supreme tyrant of Italy in 1502. It was the policy of Cesare to fortify himself by reducing the fiefs of the Church to submission, and by rooting out the dynasties which had acquired a sort of tyranny in Papal cities. The Varani of Camerino and the Manfredi of Faenza had been already extirpated. There was only too good reason to believe that the turn of the Vitelli at Citt

Thank the gods they didn't consider tears a sign of weakness . . . "I would be honored, Alanna." "Good." Killian smiled at her, then sobered. "The Terran woman known as Dana Manfredi has accepted Alanna's countenance. Be it known that she is henceforth Dana, a clanswoman of Alanna.

I should like so much to hear you with piano accompaniment." "Very well," said Aaron. "Will you really come? And will you practise with me, so that I can accompany you?" said Manfredi eagerly. "Yes. I will," said Aaron. "Oh, good! Oh, good! Look here, come in on Friday morning and let us both look through the music." "If Mr.

His desire and himself likewise had broken rather disastrously under the proving. But not finally broken. He was ready again. And with all the sheer powerful insolence of desire he looked forward to the evening. For he almost expected Manfredi would not be there. The officer had said something about having to go to Padua on the Saturday afternoon.

"The Signorina Emelia Manfredi was with him," answered Marietta, little recking how mere words can stab. "Oh," said Peter. "The Lord Prince Cardinal Udeschini was very sorry not to see the Signorino," continued Marietta. "Poor man was he? Let us trust that time will console him," said Peter, callously.

The murder of the youthful Alfonso of Aragon was by far the most tragic deed committed by the Borgias, and his fate was more terrible than even that of Astorre Manfredi.