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Calm all yourselves." "But how can we? Out with it, darling." "It's nothing, mama." "Nothing?" "Only an idea of mine." "Something you've been and made up, Deda!" "Something I'm as sure of, Bessie, as I am that you're always dying to find fault with me. Thank you, Mr. Gibbon, I've got three pieces of bread already, look!" "You've handed Deleah bread three times in as many minutes, Mr. Gibbon."

Mama kept her promise by sending my riding habit and hat punctually, but I had run far ahead of all the wishes I had formed when I left home, and I half feared my ride out with Mr. Pollingray. That was before I had received Charles's letter, letting me know the object of my invitation here. I require at times a morbid pride to keep me up to the work. I suppose I rode befittingly, for Mr.

For a quarter of an hour he rode on thus, with Harry, leading Butler's horse, following a yard or two in his rear; then he suddenly reined his mule aside and, pointing to a barely perceptible depression in the grass, said: "See, Senor, there is where the chief first fell, as described by Mama Cachama yes and," as his keen eyes roved hither and thither "yonder is the spot where he fell and lay."

Miss Saunders came in, and met Mama and Grandma; we were having the kitchen calcimined, the place was pretty well upset, I remember. Dear me, how little what they thought or did or said seemed to count, when my whole life was one blazing, agonizing cry for Jim!" "That got better?" Richard asked huskily, after a pause.

The word or particle Si is prefixed to the birth-names of persons, which almost ever consist of but a single word, as Si Bintang, Si Tolong; and we find from Captain Forrest's voyage that in the island of Mindanao the infant son of the Raja Muda was named Se Mama.

Mamie, I wonder if you couldn't come, too? Louise is my cousin; she's well off, and will give us a good time. You ask your mama and I'll write Louise. Mama was willing. Tessie's aunt soon got another letter saying Cousin Louise would be pleased to have me come, so we made arrangements. I was to meet Tessie at the boat Monday morning at ten o'clock.

I had indeed levelled at that prominent feature as hard a blow as my knuckles could inflict; and when I saw that either that or my look daunted him, I had the greatest inclination to follow up my advantage to purpose; but he was already with his mama. I heard him in a blubbering tone commence the tale of how "that nasty Jane Eyre" had flown at him like a mad cat: he was stopped rather harshly

'Come now, she said; 'come with me, Harry. Her trembling seized on me like a fire. I said, 'Yes, though my heart sank as if I had lost my father with the word. She caught me in her arms tight, murmuring, 'And dry our tears and make our house laugh. Oh! since the night that Harry went . . . . . And I am now Harry's mama, he has me.

They looked about them for something to place against the door, but there was not a stick of furniture in the room. Even the bed, in one corner, was made of pine boughs and skins. "I wonder how there happens to be only five wolves," said Anne. "I thought they went about in large packs." "They are probably mama and papa and the whole family," replied Hippy.

Dey kept a-comin after I moved in, an I had to shoo em away. Dat young rascal comin yonder he one of em. I clare to goodness " and Mama Duck raised her voice for the trespasser's benefit, "I wisht I had me a fence to keep folks outa my yard." "Qua-a-ck, quack, quack," the young Negro mocked, and passed on grinning. "Dat doan worry me none; I doan let nothin worry me.