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We have to take things as they are and do our best to make 'em better." "Any Indians?" Sarah asked. "You see one now and then, but they're peaceable. Most of 'em have gone with the buffalos farther west. We have make-believe Indians some reckless white boys who come whooping into the village, half crazy with drink, once in a while. They're not so bad as they seem to be.

I once wrote an essay on our right to believe, which I unluckily called the WILL to Believe. All the critics, neglecting the essay, pounced upon the title. Psychologically it was impossible, morally it was iniquitous. The "will to deceive," the "will to make-believe," were wittily proposed as substitutes for it.

It is thus almost startling to read his extravagant praise of a passage about Sapsea which the author discarded in Edwin Drood. Nothing better showed Boz's discretion. The well-known passage in The Old Curiosity Shop about the little marchioness and her make-believe of orange peel and water, and which Dickens allowed him to mend in his own way, was certainly altered for the worse.

"Leave that," said Clélie, "to those who have known only the comfortable make-believe miseries that rustle in crêpe and shed tears whenever there's anyone by to see." "Like the beggars who begin to whine and exhibit their aggravated sores as soon as a possible giver comes into view," said Susan.

When the soldiers had retired into the town with their prisoners, the make-believe corpse stealthily arose and made his way into the woods, where he stayed until his wounds were well enough for him to walk about.

"Don't, dear," she begged. "You know you're only talking just because it is nice to make-believe. I like to hear you, too; but what is the use when it's ONLY make-believe? You know what father's health really is; you know how nervous he is. Doctor Powers told me he must not be overexcited or or dreadful things might happen. You saw him at that horrid seance thing." He shrugged.

Sheer misery forced a sigh which seemed to rend her frail body, and her eyes filled with tears. She had been a dreamer, an adept at make-believe, but the poor coverings she had wrought for a dingy reality were now too threadbare to hide it. And once she had been so rich in hope.

Fursey, I would steal out with my supper and join him on the banks. There, hidden behind the osiers, we would play at banquets, he, it is true, doing most of the banqueting, and I the make-believe. But it was a good game; added to which it was the only game I could ever get him to play, though I tried. He was a one-ideaed rat. Later I came into the possession of a white specimen all my own.

The children knew there was no place toys could be had in that faraway forest, so of course Santa Claus had brought them when he came! The revelation that there was a really and truly Santa Claus gave Dot and Don more happiness than anything else, for, at home, some of the boys and girls said it was all make-believe.

Briefly the boys narrated what they knew about him on the Rio Grande, how they had met him here, and why they were staying at his house. "Has he no other name?" "Why, yes, I suppose so," replied Billie. "We always call him Prince to his face, and his daughter as the Princess Lucia. Of course, it is all make-believe, but it is one way of keeping him quiet."