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The air became quite still, the flag above the waggon which held the musicians clung to the pole, and the players appeared only in outline against the sky; except when the circular mouths of the trombone, ophicleide, and French horn gleamed out like huge eyes from the shade of their figures. The pretty dresses of the maids lost their subtler day colours and showed more or less of a misty white.

The maids of honor of the two queens were again in their separate camps on either side of the fireplace, in which glowed a monstrous fire. The hall was filled with courtiers. The news spread about, no one knew how of some daring operation contemplated by Ambroise Pare to save the king's life, had brought back the lords and gentlemen who had deserted the house the day before.

There were countless rooms, all filled with tables and chairs and rugs and desks and bowls of flowers; and several maids came and went in the interest of the comfort of the house. There were seven or eight other guests besides the Bradleys, and they all seemed to know each other well. The unexpected guest was a young Mrs.

Though I told you that I was delivered of a daughter, the truth is that I had borne two maids. One of these I wrapped in our stuff of samite, together with the ring you gave me the first time we met, and caused her to be laid beside a church. Such a sin will out. The cloth and the ring I have found, and I have recognised our maid, whom I had lost by my own folly.

The little maids who followed each other in quick succession were all equally inefficient and unreliable. Marcus began to complain that such ill-cooked, tasteless meals would in time impair their digestion. The Marthas and Annes and Sallies, who clumped heavily about the corner house, with smudges on their round faces and bare red arms, had never heard of the School of Cookery at South Kensington.

Over these rooms and the vestibule is the hall, indispensable as a dining-room and a play-room for the small children in wet weather and in winter. A wooden addition at the other end furnishes half a dozen rooms for members of the family, the tutor and the maids. Near by stand several log cottages, the bakehouse, the servants' dining-room, and other necessary offices.

It will need a whole day for your mother and the maids to see to Albert's clothes, and that all is decent and in order. To-day is Monday, and I think that if we say that Albert will arrive there on Thursday by noon it will do very well. Will you be ready by that time, Edgar?" "Easily enough, Sir Ralph; for, indeed, as we have no maid, my clothes need but little preparation.

If on a warm day I drank a whole bottle of wine, the maids were sure to giggle when they brought me another; and once when I wanted to smoke a pipe, and informed them by signs of my desire, they all burst into a fit of foolish laughter. But most mysterious of all was a serenade which often, and always upon the darkest nights, sounded beneath my window.

"If she thinks but one thing, that thing is false." "Maybe. I believe so myself, but, Sior' Clelia will not. Why do you send the child out at such hours?" "What did she say to my mother?" "Nothing; only that she had to go." "Faithful little soul!" "Aye! And it is when little maids are faithful like this that men ruin them.

A chill passed through me, then the reaction came, taking me by the throat, setting my veins afire. "Then by God!" I stammered. "If de Contrecoeur died unmarried, his child shall not!" "Euan! I do not credit what they wrote. If my father married here perhaps they had not heard." "Lois! Dearest of maids whichever is the truth I wish to marry you!"