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As soon as my son Jacky who was the youngest of the company, and remarkably fond of birds, had saluted her by the well known appellation of mag, poor mag; she wagged her tail with surprising agility, and began to chatter in such an elevated tone, and with such a rapid pronunciation, that I was heartily glad when the kind Bramin commanded silence.

'His versatility led him to try the round of what are called the learned professions. His life was marred by drink and insolence. His mind seems to have been tumultuous and desultory, and he was glad to catch any employment that might produce attention without anxiety; such employment, as Dr. Battie has observed, is necessary for madmen. Gent. Mag. 1784, pp. 260, 893.

"That Maggie Brady has it in for you, they tell me but say, for goodness sake, how did you manage to cut her out with Jim Denton? Why, he's been sweet on Mag for at least three months, and that's a long time for Jim. I really began to think he was serious." She paused to take a mouthful of bread and butter, so Faith attempted to speak.

Emily then said to the children: "Sit down here; we will take naughty Mag into the house, and come back to you;" and she and Henry were off in a minute. They ran in to Betty, and asked her what she had for their supper.

He could throttle the world with his bare hands, if it had but one neck, in the mood he must be in now. It was when I couldn't bear it a moment longer that I set my mind to find something else to think of. I found it, Mag. Do you know what it was? It was just three words of Obermuller's: "Earn it now."

"Why, really, I don't know," answered the husband; "you must suit yourselves with regard to that." "Yes; but I'd rather you'd select, and then no one can blame me," was the answer. "Choose any room you please, except the one which Mag and Carrie now occupy, and rest assured you shall not be blamed," said Mr. Hamilton.

"That was naething," said Tammas, "naething ava to some things I've done." "But what aboot Mag?" said Leeby. "We wasna that length, was we?" said Tammas. "Na, we was speakin' aboot the humorous side. Ay, wait a wee, I didna mention the humorous side for naething." He paused to reflect.

If he'd cared, the last place on earth he'd have come to, when he knew the detectives would be on his track, would have been just the first place he made for. If he'd cared, he But it's done, Mag. It's all over. Cheap that's what he is, this Tom Dorgan. Cheaply bad a cheap bully, cheap-brained. Remember my wishing he'd have been a ventriloquist?

"I know fresh air does me good," said Carrie; "but walking makes my side ache so hard, and makes me cough so, that Maggie thinks I'd better not." Mag, quoted as authority, exasperated Mrs. Hamilton who replied rather sharply, "Fudge on Mag's old-maidish whims! I know that any one who eats as much as you do can't be so very weak!"

J. desired him to arrange his thoughts on the subject. Taylor says that Johnson's entry about the serious talk refers to this matter. Gent. Mag. 1787, p. 521. I believe that Johnson meant to warn Taylor about the danger he was running of 'entering the state of torment. Wesley, like Johnson, was a wide reader.