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I was glad to get back to the professor, Sara, but I would like to have a yacht of my own, and sail all over the world after specimens for the museum; wouldn't that be fine?" "Perhaps you may some day; who knows? Stranger things than that have happened." It was a very nice-looking trio which turned into Mrs. Macon's gate after church Thanksgiving Day.

"We have never worried, dear; lay that up to Robert's credit, and remember that his offer of a home to you and Morton was as hearty and sincere as Mrs. Macon's own. I should not have been so fond and proud of him otherwise." Molly, sitting affectionately on her sister's knee, toyed with her hair a moment, then said diffidently, "Sara." "Well, Molly?"

When outside, he sighed; the quiet of the night was like a blessing compared with the ordeal of the colonel's devilish coldness. Macon's advice had seemed almost logical the moment before. Win Lou Macon by the power of fear, well enough, for was not fear the thing which she had followed all her life?

Sara's said, "Help me!" Mrs. Macon's replied, "Watch me!" at which both smiled slyly, and turned to the next neighbor with some light remark.

Joe Shaner and I, having something of a turn for investigating the resources of a new country, took the first opportunity of testing Macon's promised land. We selected a fine-looking house, and, approaching it, made known our wants to a young lady. She left us standing outside of the yard, we supposed to cool off while she made ready for our entertainment in the house.

At this she drew back a little so that she could meet his eyes. "Why not?" "The whole crew will be on my trail." "What crew?" "Beginning with Lord Nick!" This shook her completely out of the thrall of the dance. "Lord Nick? What makes you think that?" "I know he's thick with Landis. It'll mean trouble." He was so simple about it that she began to laugh. It was not such a voice as Lou Macon's.

Sara had to acknowledge that he did; and the upshot was, that in less time than it takes to tell it, baby was turned over to Molly, and Sara, with her bundle, found herself in Mrs. Macon's carriage, riding home with her, to the astonishment of the coachman, who had been preparing his mind for a long, sleepy afternoon on the box, while his mistress consulted her list, and made her formal visits.

Hoffstott's door to beg, almost with tears, that she would look after things a little, and not let flighty Molly neglect the child; which the good woman was always ready to do. Those were anxious days, which even the madame's and Mrs. Macon's kindness could not wholly relieve. And they were very kind.

Mr Brandon sat down, drained his tumbler of egg-nogg, and began to think of what his friend had said. And, as he thought of it, the conviction forced itself upon him that this idea of Colonel Macon's was a good one; in fact, a splendid one.

Are you working at anything?" "Not much, sir; I'm helping Mr. Hoffstott in the bakery, carrying home orders on his busy days: it doesn't take all my time though." "I suppose you are used to the management of boats; you can row or sail one?" "Oh, yes, sir!" his eyes lighting. "Very well, I may have a proposition to make you soon, that's all. Be sure and stop at Mrs. Macon's."