United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Ah! ma'rm," put in Mr Lathrope, seeing his chance of revenge for the lady's comments on his chimney; "if all Mister Meldrum kalkerlates comes true about the shortness of our provisions, I guess you'll be glad to eat 'em bye and bye! I've seed the Chinee immigrants gobble 'em up in Californy often enough!"

Major Negus, who had developed, since landing on the island, what had evidently been a strong religious trait previously dormant in her character, if quoting Scripture texts were any proof of this disposition. "Ah ma'rm," responded Mr Lathrope, "don't you believe it, unless the hungry work for it." "And much you've done to earn your food!" said the lady tartly.

"You forget," said Mrs Major Negus, "sufficient for the day is the evil thereof!" "But it don't say the good, only the evil, ma'rm; mind that," put in Mr Lathrope. "Some folks seem to take a pleasure in twisting Scripture contrariwise, jest to suit theer own squintin'-one-eye-skimmin'-the-pot- and-t'other-lookin'-up-the-chimbley sort of conscience!"

"Wa-al, ma'rm, if it warn't for me, as Mr Meldrum here will tell you, I've no doubt yer wouldn't have a chimbley, nor nary fire to sot by inside haar!" "A fine smoky chimney it is too!" retorted Mrs Major Negus. "It is quite suffocating, I declare." "That's better nor bein' friz," said the American, with some little heat.

"If you've a mind to liken yourself to one of those dreadful creatures that are always nibbling, I don't choose to be called a cat." "I aren't a bit pertickler what you call me, ma'rm," replied the American very good-humouredly, "although I confess I am a bit partial to nibblin' when thar's anything good to eat!"