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The influence which these elements exert on the value of the third factor cannot be estimated, unless the law is first known according to which the magnetisms, M C, M1 C C1, vary with the intensity of the current.

If it is now allowed to move, its motion produces, in virtue of the laws of induction, a current in the circuit of intensity, i1, in the opposite direction to the external current; the effective intensity of the current traversing the circuit is thus reduced to i i1. Here M1 C1 is a function of i i1, not of i.

The buttons m and m1 could be brought to any degree of incandescence by passing the discharges of Leyden jars around the coil C. In such bulbs with two buttons a very curious effect is produced by the formation of the shadows of each of the two buttons.

The tube T, with the small tubes, wires through the same, and the refractory buttons m and m1, was first prepared, and then sealed to globe L, whereupon the coil C was slipped in and the connections made to its ends.

The connecting rods and cross beams are of wrought iron, and the cranks, crank shaft, piston rods, valve rods, etc., of steel. The bed-plate for the main shaft bearings are cast in one piece with the standards for the beam, which are connected firmly together by the center bearing, M M1, which is cast in one piece, and also by the diagonal bracing piece, N N1.

In this case a tube T is sealed to a globe L. The tube contains a coil C, the ends of which pass through two small glass tubes t and t1, which are sealed to the tube T. Two refractory buttons m and m1 are mounted on lamp filaments which are fastened to the ends of the wires passing through the glass tubes t and t1.

To set the elevator, use is made of the short vertical mast, M1. A small hole is pierced in the front side of the elevator frame at Z, and through this a piece of thin, soft iron wire is pushed, bent round the spar, and tied.

The other end of the wire is taken forward and wrapped three or four times round the mast M1, which should have several notches in its front edge, to assist the setting of the elevator at different angles. Pull the wire tight, so that the elevator shall maintain a constant angle when once set. H H1 is a piece of 25 to 30 gauge wire bent as shown and fastened by binding.