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Quant au repos, je m'en donne aujourd'hui pleinement; je ne fais rien; mais je me reposerais mieux si tu etais ici pour me dire que tu m'aimes et pour mettre tes douces mains sur mon front.

Of such comments upon her proceeding Miss Rodney made light; in the aspect of the rooms she found a certain 'quaintness' which decidedly pleased her. 'And as for Mrs. Grundy, she added, 'je m'en fiche? which certain ladies of culture declared to be a polite expression of contempt. Miss Rodney never wasted time, and in matters of business had cultivated a notable brevity. Her interview with Mrs.

Tout au milieu de ce bel exercise, je m'avisai de faire une espece de pronostic pour calmer mon inquietude. Je me dis je m'en vais jeter cette pierre contre l'arbre qui est vis-a-vis de moi: si je le touche, signe de salut: si je le manque, signe de damnation.

It is a great grievance to me not to see them. Je vieillis, et je m'en appercois. The Prince of Wales. I had also Mr. Selwin who was a banker in Paris, a worthy man, but a more splenetic one I never knew, with an extreme good understanding. We are of the same family, by his account, although I do not know the degree of affinity in which we stand to each other.

You will only exchange certainty for uncertainty, facts for doubts, truth for lies. 'Yes, yes, the comte replied, 'but there are so many new truths introduced now into our blessed religion the infallibility of the pope the 'Ah, mon cher comte ne m'en parlez pas. If that is all that stands in your way faites comme le bon Dieu! Lui il ferme les yeux et tend les bras.

"If you don't understand me," Hilda said, dropping into the corner of a sofa, "Cela que je m'en doute, it's because you look for too much elaboration. I am a simple creature, done with rather a broad brush voila tout!" Nevertheless, Miss Livingstone's was a happy impression.

He did what he pleased, said what he pleased, wrote what he pleased. His armorial bearings might have been a cat upsetting a cream jug with the motto, "Je m'en fous." The author of "Le Jardin de Supplice" would not be in high favour anywhere; nevertheless I would willingly relinquish any claims I might have to future popularity for the privilege of having been permitted to sign this book.

He insulted me I had a little walking-stick in my hand, my cousin had given me I struck him with it across the face twice, three times if you look close you will see the mark. You may imagine he tells fine stories of me when he gets the chance. Oh! je m'en fiche! The scorn of the last gesture was unmeasured. 'Canaille! said David, between his teeth. 'If you had told me this!

Can you think that I will hazard these, with my head to boot, like a rash child? Do you suppose that, in entering into this terrible contest, I would consent to treat only with subordinates? Do not deceive yourself. Again, I say, tell your employers that they must confer with me directly, or je m'en lave les mains." "I will repeat what you say," answered Guillot, sullenly, "Is this all?"

'Into Paradise, he says, laughed Gerald. Gudrun shrugged her shoulders. 'FE M'EN FICHE of your Paradise! she said. 'Not being a Mohammedan, said Gerald. Birkin sat motionless, driving the car, quite unconscious of what they said. And Gudrun, sitting immediately behind him, felt a sort of ironic pleasure in thus exposing him.