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So far as she was able to do so, Miss Gladden explained the situation, as Jack had told it to her, making no reference, however, to what he had said regarding the possibility of Lyle's friends coming to the mountains, where they would be likely to recognize her. Of this, Miss Gladden herself understood so little, she thought best not to allude to it now.

Since the famous affair of Lady Delia Lyle's disappearance and death, he had not been busy, and the joy of healthy idleness is only known to the hard worker. Again, while dressing, he had received a letter inviting him to a quiet shoot at a delightful place in the country. All these things blended with happy inconsequence to render Brett contented in mind and affable in manner.

Cameron briefly explained to his wife the main facts in Lyle's strange history. "She shall be our own daughter, shall she not, Walter? She shall be to us just what Edna was?" "Certainly," was the response, "she is our own daughter, Marjorie Lyle Cameron." They returned to Guy's room, Mrs.

Blaisdell's superior indifference to Lyle's attractions, as she had been compelled more than once, in a most emphatic manner, to check attempts at undue familiarity on his part, notwithstanding the fact that he was a much-married man, living with his third wife, his table surrounded with "olive plants" fifteen in number of all sizes and descriptions, and regarded in the bosom of his family as a model husband and father.

Houston, who would champion the cause of a girl in Lyle's circumstances, in the manner you have done," and then, with much feeling, she spoke of some of Lyle's trials, and of her own determination to help her.

Lyle's face was darkly flushed, and it appeared to cost him an effort to hold himself in hand. "We're going, sir," he said. "Loose his bridle, Charley." The lad did as he was bidden, and Lyle motioned us to withdraw, after which he once more addressed Carrington. "You have refused us permission to touch this timber, and I suppose we must yield to your wishes in this respect," he said.

Lyle's beautiful eyes spoke her thanks for his words of appreciation, as she asked: "At what hour will you have completed the examination, and be ready to leave the mine?" "Probably very near twelve o'clock," Houston replied, "we cannot accomplish our work much before that time, and I do not wish to be out much later."

"I was only too willing to hear any theory which pointed to anyone else as the criminal than Arthur, but Lyle's explanation was too utterly fantastic. I told him that he certainly showed imagination, but that he could not hang a man for what he imagined he had done.

Miss Gladden had arranged her hair in a style worn nearly twenty years before, and in imitation of the photograph which Jack had shown her. The effect was magical, as it showed Lyle's face to be an exact counterpart of the beautiful pictured face.

"I have won her love with love, not with gold," he said proudly, "but she will find, by and by, that the latter is not lacking." A remark of Miss Gladden's, which she had made in confidence, soon after her engagement to Houston, was suddenly recalled to Lyle's mind; "Whether he has money or not, I do not know or care, for I have enough for both of us."